Boots suspends booking for flu jabs amid ‘unprecedented demand’

Boots suspends booking for flu jabs amid ‘unprecedented demand’ after Britons were told to get vaccinated to ease burden of second Covid-19 wave The high-street chemist is now limiting vaccines for society’s most vulnerable NHS says it wants to inoculate a record 30million people against flu this year  An influx of influenza and Covid-19 patients could … Read more

Coronavirus lockdowns, social distancing and masks reduced FLU rates by nearly 90% in the US

Coronavirus lockdowns, social distancing and masks reduced FLU rates by nearly 90% in the US, CDC report reveals Positive flu test rates dropped from about 20% between September 2019 and February 2020 to 2.3% between March 2020 and May 2020 Laboratory specimens for testing fell from 49,696 per week before the national emergency was declared … Read more

School reopening and flu season mean surge in Covid-19 patients, says WHO Europe director

The reopening of schools and the winter flu season returning could mean Covid-19 patients pile the pressure on NHS hospitals again, a World Health Organization director has warned.    Dr Hans Kluge, the WHO’s Europe chief, said he ‘wouldn’t be surprised’ if hospital admissions surged this November to levels seen during the worst days of the … Read more

Flu vaccine during pregnancy has NO link to a baby’s risk of developing autism, study confirms

Getting the flu jab while pregnant doesn’t increase the baby’s risk of being diagnosed with autism later on, another study has found. Researchers in Sweden compared autism diagnoses among seven-year-old children whose mothers had a swine flu vaccine during pregnancy and those whose did not. Of almost 70,000 children, 39,700 had been exposed to the … Read more

Scientists discover which immune cells a flu shot MUST target to provide ‘long-lasting’ protection 

Hope for a universal flu vaccine? Scientists discover which immune cells a shot MUST target to provide ‘long-lasting’ protection Flu shots are only about 40 to 60 percent effective in any given year  Scientists think prior exposures to flu strains or vaccines trigger a partial response to vaccines, weakening a shot’s protection against new strains  … Read more

Coronavirus deaths fall to ANOTHER low: Flu and pneumonia is now killing six times more people

Flu and pneumonia are now killing six times as many people as the coronavirus, official figures show as the UK continues to reap the rewards of its strict Covid-19 lockdown. Latest data from the Office for National Statistics revealed the viral illnesses killed 1,013 people in England and Wales in the week up to August 7, compared … Read more

Coronavirus deaths fall to ANOTHER low: Flu and pneumonia is now killing six times more people

Coronavirus deaths fall to ANOTHER low: Flu and pneumonia are now killing six times more people as just 152 Covid-19 fatalities were recorded across England and Wales in most recent week – the fewest since before lockdown Flu and pneumonia killed 1,013 people in England and Wales in week up to August 7, according to … Read more

Thousands of Seattle ‘flu’ cases may have been coronavirus

Coronavirus had likely already spread to thousands of people in Seattle before the Washington city became home to the first known US case of COVID0-19, new research reveals.  University of Texas (UT), Austin, scientists created a model to estimate how many people had coronavirus based on recently re-tested samples taken from hundreds of samples take … Read more

THOUSANDS of Seattle’s ‘flu’ cases last winter were likely COVID-19

THOUSANDS of people in Seattle who thought they had flu last winter likely had coronavirus, study finds Testing of samples taken from more than 2,000 people suspected of having flu in Seattle last year revealed 25 had coronavirus   A predictive model made by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin, estimates that about 9,000 people … Read more

Coronavirus led to more NYC ‘excess deaths’ than Spanish flu, study suggests

The 1918 Spanish flu was more deadly of fatalities in New York City than coronavirus has been in 2020 – but COVID-19 drove up the death toll for the first several months of the year far beyond. what would be seen in a typical year, a new study finds.  At the peak of New York … Read more