Coronavirus frontline workers will get honours in ‘bumper’ Queen’s Birthday Honours List 

Hundreds of doctors, nurses and other heroes in the battle against coronavirus will be recognised in a ‘bumper’ honours list to be published next month. People who have made outstanding contributions in the UK’s response to the virus will be rewarded in a special Queen’s Birthday Honours List on October 10. Boris Johnson announced earlier … Read more

NHS workers who fought on the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic take part in mass protests

Frontline NHS workers, many of whom have been helping to fight the coronavirus pandemic, have protested to demand better wages. Campaigners in central London, many wearing scrubs or other NHS uniforms, held banners which read ‘stop clapping, start paying,’ ‘priceless yet penniless’ and ‘640 healthcare workers dead, blood on their hands’ alongside images of Prime … Read more

NHS workers who fought on the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic take part in mass protests

Frontline NHS workers, many of whom have been helping to fight the coronavirus pandemic, have protested to demand better wages. Campaigners in central London, many wearing scrubs or other NHS uniforms, held banners which read ‘stop clapping, start paying,’ ‘priceless yet penniless’ and ‘640 healthcare workers dead, blood on their hands’ alongside images of Prime … Read more

Prince William makes surprise visit to Belfast to meet with frontline responders

Prince William has recounted how he was consumed by sadness when he served as a pilot for the East Anglian Air Ambulance service. During a surprise visit to Belfast to mark Emergency Services Day, the Duke of Cambridge, 38, spoke about how he struggled to talk about his emotions in a job that saw him encounter tragedy … Read more

Prince William makes surprise visit to Belfast to meet with frontline responders

Prince William has recounted how he was consumed by sadness when he served as a pilot for the East Anglian Air Ambulance service. During a surprise visit to Belfast to mark Emergency Services Day, the Duke of Cambridge, 38, spoke about how he struggled to talk about his emotions in a job that saw him encounter tragedy … Read more

Casualty is poised to return with frontline Holby City Hospital staff battling COVID-19

Casualty is poised to return with a powerful new episode as overwhelmed hospital staff battle the devastating impact of COVID-19 By Jason Chester for MailOnline Published: 11:45 BST, 7 September 2020 | Updated: 12:22 BST, 7 September 2020 Casualty is poised to return with the most powerful episode in its 35-year history detailing the current … Read more

GP spent £4,000 of his own money on special support packs for frontline NHS staff

Do you know a health hero? The Daily Mail, in partnership with eBay and NHS Charities Together, wants you to nominate special people in the healthcare sector who have made a difference to your life, or to a loved one’s life. Seven finalists will get an all-expenses-paid trip to London for an awards ceremony. The … Read more

GP spent £4,000 of his own money on special support packs for frontline NHS staff

Do you know a health hero? The Daily Mail, in partnership with eBay and NHS Charities Together, wants you to nominate special people in the healthcare sector who have made a difference to your life, or to a loved one’s life. Seven finalists will get an all-expenses-paid trip to London for an awards ceremony. The … Read more

Frontline nurse Cohan Zarnoch’s photos of remote African tribes

These incredible images of remote tribes in Africa were taken by a frontline nurse who says that the people there are the most caring on the planet. American Cohan Zarnoch, 54, has worked and travelled with multiple non-profit organisations over the past 12 years, snapping breathtaking pictures of rural tribes in countries including Ethiopia, Rwanda, … Read more