How BBC’s Frank Gardner’s father was Cold War MI6 agent caught up in a shootout with Czech soldiers

In a quiet street on the outskirts of Ostrava in Communist Czechoslovakia, a British secret agent carefully unearths a package containing highly classified documents.  Working with practised ease, he replaces it with cash, which he puts in a food tin, along with instructions for his contact, and buries it in the pre-arranged spot. It is … Read more

How BBC’s Frank Gardner’s father was Cold War MI6 agent caught up in a shootout with Czech soldiers

In a quiet street on the outskirts of Ostrava in Communist Czechoslovakia, a British secret agent carefully unearths a package containing highly classified documents.  Working with practised ease, he replaces it with cash, which he puts in a food tin, along with instructions for his contact, and buries it in the pre-arranged spot. It is … Read more