Amazon is delaying some Prime deliveries for up to a MONTH as it prioritizes ‘essential’ goods

ALABAMA Gov. Kay Ivey issued statewide shutdowns of all beaches, child care facilities, dine-in restaurants and other services effective 5pm March 19.  All public schools are closed until April 6.  This extended previous rules closing day cares, senior centers and on-site restaurant dining across six counties and banning public gatherings of more than 25 people … Read more

GameStop says it provides ‘essential goods’ just like grocery stores to justify keeping stores open

GameStop says it provides ‘essential goods’ like grocery stores and pharmacies to justify why their stores will remain open during the coronavirus pandemic The video game retailer sent a memo to managers at its 5,700 retail locations It instructs managers to resist local attempts to close its stores by claiming the company sells ‘essential’ electronics … Read more