Coronavirus UK: Government response ‘disastrously wrong’

Number 10’s response to coronavirus has been ‘disastrously wrong’, a government scientific adviser dramatically claimed today. Professor Stephen Reicher, a behavioural scientist on a panel that feeds into SAGE, accused ministers of making bad decisions throughout the crisis. It is not the first time Boris Johnson and his cabinet have come under fire by leading … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Government says we must stick to ‘new guidance’

Boris Johnson’s medical and science chiefs have both warned that Britain will continue to be plagued by coronavirus until next spring.  Chief medical officer Chris Whitty and Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance appeared alongside the Prime Minister at today’s Downing Street briefing as Mr Johnson unveiled a relaxation of lockdown rules.  The PM said he … Read more

Paul McCartney urges government to make school meals meatless

Sir Paul McCartney and daughters Stella and Mary urge government to let schools choose whether to give pupils meat – saying: ‘No one needs to eat it, so serving it shouldn’t be mandatory’ Paul McCartney has urged government to remove meat from school menus Beatle and daughters co-signed letter backing PETA school dinner campaign  Star … Read more

UK motor industry calls for the Government to provide a sector ‘restart package’

Up to one in six UK motor industry workers face being made redundant in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, car makers have warned as they’ve called on the government to provide taxpayer help to keep their businesses afloat and staff in employment. The sector cull is on top off the 6,000 jobs already axed … Read more

Shielding will come to an end on July 6, UK Government announces

More than two million people trapped at home under the Government’s ‘shielding’ scheme to protect them from coronavirus will finally be allowed back outside and to reunite with loved ones from July 6. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said levels of the virus in the UK are now so low that it will soon be safe for … Read more

UK government ‘could have gone BUST’ without B of E bailout

Government could have effectively gone BUST if the Bank of England had not bailed it out at the start of coronavirus crisis, says governor Andrew Bailey Andrew Bailey said government could have gone bust without Bank stepping in UK borrowing soared as the coronavirus crisis took its grip around the world Public debt is now … Read more

Shielding will come to an end on July 6, UK Government announces

Freedom for 2.2million people ‘shielding’ from Covid-19 in England as Matt Hancock announces they will be able to spend more time outside their homes from July 6 and can go back to work at the start of August Clinically extremely vulnerable people have been shielding since March 29 They have been advised not to leave … Read more

Almost 200 charities accuse Government of turning their backs on the world’s poor by axing DfID 

Almost 200 charities have accused ministers of turning their backs on the world’s poorest by scrapping the office that dishes out foreign aid. They say the merger of the Department for International Development with the Foreign Office is an ‘unnecessary and expensive distraction’ that will diminish the UK’s reputation. A total of 188 humanitarian aid … Read more

140,000 Mail on Sunday readers demand the government blocks attempts to remove Churchill’s monument 

Don’t pull down Winston Churchill’s statue: 140,000 Mail on Sunday readers demand the government blocks attempts to remove the wartime PM’s monument  More than 140,000 readers have already signed the petition to secure the statue Churchill monument boarded up with metal sheets after being spray painted ** We call on the PM to publicly guarantee … Read more

140,000 Mail on Sunday readers demand the government blocks attempts to remove Churchill’s monument 

Don’t pull down Winston Churchill’s statue: 140,000 Mail on Sunday readers demand the government blocks attempts to remove the wartime PM’s monument  More than 140,000 readers have already signed the petition to secure the statue Churchill monument boarded up with metal sheets after being spray painted ** We call on the PM to publicly guarantee … Read more