Coronavirus UK: Care home policies ‘exposed residents to virus then BLOCKED them from medical care’

It is an excoriating verdict that will, undoubtedly, give voice to the rage and anguish of thousands of families: the Government’s pandemic policies violated the fundamental human rights of vulnerable older people in care, a major report has concluded. ‘Inexplicable’ decisions were made that were ‘heedless at best’. The measures exposed elderly residents to the … Read more

‘Tutankhamun Hands’: Can a skin expert help JO ELVIN from getting red hands after using sanitiser?

Of all the things to keep me awake in 2020, I never imagined it would be my hands. And yet there I was, for the fourth night in a row, scrabbling around the bathroom cabinet at 3am for something – anything – that would soothe the now constant stabbing, painful itching on both of them. … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Does your face cream reek of rotting rubbish? It’s probably Covid!

Alongside a fever and a cough, one of the key symptoms of Covid-19 is losing the sense of smell. In some cases, it can be the only sign that there is anything wrong. And the problem can persist for months after the initial illness has passed. Anosmia, as it is known medically, hits more than … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Care home policies ‘exposed residents to virus then BLOCKED them from medical care’

It is an excoriating verdict that will, undoubtedly, give voice to the rage and anguish of thousands of families: the Government’s pandemic policies violated the fundamental human rights of vulnerable older people in care, a major report has concluded. ‘Inexplicable’ decisions were made that were ‘heedless at best’. The measures exposed elderly residents to the … Read more

Inside Walter Reed where Trump will be treated for coronavirus in a secure ‘Presidential Suite’  

Now that he has arrived at Walter Reed National Medical Center for observation and treatment for COV-19, President Trump will be in the hands of 7,000 or so staff members including some of the nation’s top doctors.  Trump will stay in the hospital’s designated Presidential Suite, a lavish portion of one of its 88 buildings.  … Read more

Experimental Regeneron drug used to treat Trump showed promise in trials

President Donald Trump is being treated with an experimental coronavirus antibody cocktail developed by Regeneron, the White House revealed Friday.  ‘Following PCR-confirmation of the President’s diagnosis, as a precautionary measure, he received a single 8 gram dose of Regneron’s polyclonal antibody cocktail,’ wrote physician to the president, Dr Sean Conley, in a White House memo.  … Read more

Inside Walter Reed where Trump will be treated for coronavirus in a secure ‘Presidential Suite’  

Now that the has arrived at Walter Reed National Medical Center for observation and treatment for COV-19, President Trump will be in the hands of 7,000 or so staff members including some of the nation’s top doctors.  Trump will stay in the hospital’s designated Presidential Suite, a lavish (if outdated) portion of one of its … Read more

Experimental Regeneron drug used to treat Trump showed promise in trials

President Donald Trump is being treated with an experimental coronavirus antibody cocktail developed by Regeneron, the White House revealed Friday.  ‘Following PCR-confirmation of the President’s diagnosis, as a precautionary measure, he received a single 8 gram dose of Regneron’s polyclonal antibody cocktail,’ wrote physician to the president, Dr Sean Conley, in a White House memo.  … Read more