30,000 kidney dialysis patients to benefit from no-scar operation…thanks to micro magnets in veins

Britain’s 30,000 kidney dialysis patients could soon benefit from a new operation that allows them to undergo the lifesaving treatment but spares them the permanent scar it usually leaves. The innovative procedure creates a super-strong needle access point into the body that can cope with the large amount of blood taken out during treatment – using … Read more

It could take ‘a year or MORE’ to know if young people’s lasting covid symptoms are chronic

Top US infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci has warned that young coronavirus survivors with long-lasting symptoms could be suffering from a chronic illness – but ‘it’s going to take months to a year or more’ to know for sure, he said.  In a Thursday interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Dr Fauci reminded young … Read more

Taking hormone replacement therapy to cope with the menopause ‘cuts risk of common infections’ 

Taking hormone replacement therapy to cope with the menopause ‘cuts risk of common infections’ New evidence from the University of Texas found women who took HRT had a greater variety of beneficial bacteria in their urine which reduces risk of UTIs The study confirmed theory that postmenopausal women have more infections Researchers spoke to 75 … Read more

Leaked White House document says 18 states are in covid ‘red zone’

Leaked White House document shows 18 ‘red zone’ states should issue mandatory mask orders and roll back reopening by shutting down bars and banning gatherings of more than 10 people An internal White House report obtained by the Center for Public Integrity shows 18 states are considered in the ‘red zone’ for surging case numbers  … Read more

Public Health England publish list of areas most at risk from lockdowns because of Covid-19 spikes

Five new coronavirus hotspots have tonight been highlighted as part of new data from public health chiefs which reveals the areas most at risk of being plunged into local lockdown.   Areas such as Pendle, in Lancashire, Herefordshire, and East Staffordshire have all seen spikes in the number of coronavirus cases in the last fortnight, Public … Read more

Public Health England publish list of areas most at risk from lockdowns because of Covid-19 spikes

Five new coronavirus hotspots have tonight been highlighted as part of new data from public health chiefs which reveals the areas most at risk of being plunged into local lockdown.   Areas such as Pendle, in Lancashire, Herefordshire, and East Staffordshire have all seen spikes in the number of coronavirus cases in the last fortnight, Public … Read more

CDC no longer publicly displays data on coronavirus hospitalizations

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website that, up until yesterday, publicly displayed how many US hospital and ICU beds were occupied by coronavirus patients will now only show out-of-date information.  It comes after the Trump Administration instructed hospitals to send their COVID-19 directly to a new Department of Health and Human Services … Read more

More than one THIRD of ICU coronavirus patients in 65 ICUs died within a month

More than one in three coronavirus patients admitted to ICUs in the US will die within a month of being moved into critical care, a new study finds.  As cases surge in many US states – increasing most dramatically in Florida, Texas, Arizona and Oklahoma – hospitalizations are beginning to rise and the nation is … Read more

Victoria Beckham ‘to launch health and lifestyle brand which will rival Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop’

Victoria Beckham is reportedly making moves to launch a health and lifestyle brand in the US, which is set to rival Gwyneth Paltrow’s $250 million Goop empire. The former Spice Girl, 46, has been given the green light to sell ‘beauty and well-being products’ across the pond, according to The Sun – and has trademarked ‘Victoria … Read more

Eerie animation shows how the world went from zero to 10 MILLION

Just six months ago, coronavirus didn’t yet have a name, but since January, the virus has exploded, circled the globe and sickened nearly 13.5 million people with alarming speed, a new animation demonstrates.  Data visualization designers at Global Stats used data from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Situation Reports to create a timelapse video that … Read more