Brittany Higgins: Man accused of Parliament House rape checks into hospital

BREAKING NEWS: Man at the centre of the Parliament House rape allegation that rocked Australia ‘checks himself into hospital’ Liberal staffer accused of raping a female media adviser is ‘in hospital’  The staffer reportedly drove himself to hospital on Wednesday evening Daily Telegraph reported he wasn’t suicidal but concerned for his mental state Former staffer … Read more

Brittany Higgins: Man accused of Parliament House rape checks into hospital

BREAKING NEWS: Man at the centre of the Parliament House rape allegation that rocked Australia ‘checks himself into hospital’ Liberal staffer accused of raping a female media adviser is ‘in hospital’  The staffer reportedly drove himself to hospital on Wednesday evening Daily Telegraph reported he wasn’t suicidal but concerned for his mental state Former staffer … Read more

The Project: Woman claims she was raped in Parliament House

A young Liberal staffer has broken down in tears as she told of how she felt pressured to stay silent after being allegedly raped on Defence Minister Linda Reynolds’ couch – and felt ‘alone’ and ‘suicidal’ after it happened. Brittany Higgins, 26, opened up to The Project’s Lisa Wilkinson about what she says happened to … Read more

Political staffer who claims she was raped in Parliament House says she was suicidal

A young Liberal staffer has broken down in tears as she told of how she felt pressured to stay silent after being allegedly raped on Defence Minister Linda Reynolds’ couch – and felt ‘alone’ and ‘suicidal’ after it happened. Brittany Higgins, 26, opened up to The Project’s Lisa Wilkinson about what she says happened to … Read more

White House lawyers tell Kamala Harris’ niece Meena, 36, to stop using aunt to build brand

White House lawyers have reportedly told Kamala Harris’ niece, Meena, to stop using her aunt’s status to build her brand.  Meena Harris’ brand has used the vice president’s name and likeness to produce clothing, videos, designer headphones and children’s books.  She has promoted her book Ambitious Girl and her various productions in TV appearances on NBC’s … Read more

White House lawyers tell Kamala Harris’ niece Meena, 36, to stop using aunt to build brand

White House lawyers have reportedly told Kamala Harris’ niece, Meena, to stop using her aunt’s status to build her brand.  Meena Harris’ brand has used the vice president’s name and likeness to produce clothing, videos, designer headphones and children’s books.  She has promoted her book Ambitious Girl and her various productions in TV appearances on NBC’s … Read more

Melania Trump opens post-White House office amid reports she is ‘jealous’ of Jill Biden

Melania Trump has officially opened her post-White House office, three weeks after leaving Washington, DC.  The former First Lady made the announcement on Twitter Friday, but did not disclose what projects she will be working on under the new initiative.  ‘Mrs. Melania Trump is announcing the opening of The Office of Melania Trump. Please follow … Read more