Huawei Mate 40, Mate 40 Pro camera – circular module inside a square

The top Chinese OEM, Huawei usually launches its Mate series phones sometime in the third quarter of the year. This time again, there is no information otherwise. There hasn’t been an official word about the arrival of the phones, but considering the leaks and renders we are audience to, Huawei’s Mate 40 and Mate 40 … Read more

U.S. government adds more restrictions to Huawei, affiliates

While most of our attention has been on President Donald Trump’s war against TikTok, the fight to cut off another Chinese-owned company, Huawei, is still ongoing. In fact, the U.S. Commerce Department has now announced that they are tightening restrictions over the company to prevent it from doing business with more semiconductor companies and obtaining … Read more

Huawei smartphones could get all-screen fingerprint unlock feature

Today smartphones come with fingerprint sensors to unlock them either on the front (tactile button or in-display) or on the rear of the phone. Point is, you don’t have more than one place to use the fingerprint and unlock the device. If the latest report is anything to go by – Chinese smartphone major Huawei … Read more

How the two professors leading Oxford University’s coronavirus trial and Huawei could profit

Two scientists behind Oxford University’s coronavirus vaccine could pocket a hefty sum of money if the jab proves successful, it emerged today. Several private investors, including the controversial Chinese firm Huawei, are also poised to profit if the vaccine — called AZD1222 — goes to market.  Oxford professors Sarah Gilbert and Adrian Hill co-founded Vaccitech … Read more