Humans are to blame for 96 per cent of all mammal extinctions, study claims 

Humans are to blame for 96 per cent of all mammal extinctions over the past 126,000 years, study claims More than 500 mammal species could be gone forever by the end of the century  Scientists claim humans are to blame for 96 per cent of all mammal extinctions Study says human-caused climate change posed a … Read more

Elephants can ‘catch yawns’ from familiar humans just like chimpanzees and dogs

Elephants can ‘catch yawns’ from familiar humans just like chimpanzees and dogs – suggesting they are more similar to us than previously thought Elephant handlers were asked to yawn, fake yawn and make mouth movements  They ‘caught a yawn’ whenever the handlers yawned for real or fake yawned  Before this only chimps and dogs had … Read more

Elephants can ‘catch yawns’ from familiar humans just like chimpanzees and dogs

Elephants can ‘catch yawns’ from familiar humans just like chimpanzees and dogs – suggesting they are more similar to us than previously thought Elephant handlers were asked to yawn, fake yawn and make mouth movements  They ‘caught a yawn’ whenever the handlers yawned for real or fake yawned  Before this only chimps and dogs had … Read more

Drug for CATS may help fight coronavirus in humans, study finds

A drug designed for cats may protect people from the coronavirus, scientists have claimed. The medicine GC376 was made to treat cats for an illness called feline infectious peritonitis, which starts in the gut and can travel to the brain and be fatal. Feline infectious peritonitis is caused by another type of coronavirus but scientists’ … Read more

University of Queensland coronavirus trial vaccine produces zero side effects in humans, hamsters

Australian COVID-19 vaccine produces ZERO side effects in human trials and provides protection against the virus in animals while reducing symptoms University of Queensland and CSL have trialled COVID-19 vaccine on humans The researchers have also injected hamsters with the drug in the Netherlands  Project co-leader Associate Professor Keith Chappell hailed animal trial success By … Read more

University of Queensland coronavirus trial vaccine produces zero side effects in humans, hamsters

Australian COVID-19 vaccine produces ZERO side effects in human trials and provides protection against the virus in animals while reducing symptoms University of Queensland and CSL have trialled COVID-19 vaccine on humans The researchers have also injected hamsters with the drug in the Netherlands  Project co-leader Associate Professor Keith Chappell hailed animal trial success By … Read more

Humans will have used a whole year’s worth of natural resources by tomorrow

Humans will have used a year’s worth of natural resources in 2020 by tomorrow, August 22 – a calendar event known as Earth Overshoot Day.  The annual date marks the point at which humanity has used all the biological resources that the Earth can regenerate during that year. Due to the lockdowns imposed because of the coronavirus … Read more

Monkeys sharing bananas is the equivalent to humans taking a date out for dinner

Monkeys sharing food is the equivalent to humans taking a date out for dinner, suggests a new study. No evidence had previously been seen of monkeys sharing food in the wild  Researcher from University of St Andrews have recorded six such instances   Believed it helps animals forge and strengthen social bonds with others  By Joe … Read more

Ancient teeth reveal the first plague infected humans 5,000 years ago

Although the coronavirus pandemic is still wrecking havoc on the world, scientists have found evidence that shows humanity was plagued by such an event thousands of years ago. Following an analysis of ancient teeth, experts found a deadly bacteria infected humans some 5,000 years – previous studies suggested it was only 3,000 years ago. The … Read more

Imperial College vaccine’s second round trials on 200 humans

University of Oxford Oxford University academics began developing the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine in January. It is now named AZD1222, after the researchers signed a manufacturing partnership with pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. Human trials started on April 23 and they are now in the final phase, with trials being carried out in the UK, Brazil and South … Read more