Jack Dorsey slammed for ‘censoring’ Hunter Biden story link tweets

Twitter boss Jack Dorsey was berated for ‘politically motivated censorship’ when social media giant deliberately prevented users from sharing a link to New York Post story on Hunter Biden Story claimed he arranged meeting between father and Ukrainian energy firm Both men denied any impropriety but it would still usually be top of news agenda … Read more

Aubrey O’Day teases she wants ‘swoop up’ Hunter Biden nine years after her affair with Trump Jr. 

Aubrey O’Day teases that she’d like to ‘swoop up’ Hunter Biden… nine years after her alleged affair with Donald Trump Jr. By Heather Waugh For Dailymail.com Published: 21:54 GMT, 30 October 2020 | Updated: 21:55 GMT, 30 October 2020 Aubrey O’Day has teased that she has her sights set on Joe Biden’s son Hunter. In … Read more

UPS finds Hunter Biden package Tucker Carlson claimed was destroyed

UPS says it has found the Hunter Biden package that Tucker Carlson suggested had been deliberately intercepted after he mailed it between his two offices, and says it will return it to the Fox host’s team.   Carlson detailed the mystery of the vanishing documents during his Wednesday evening show on Fox News, where he also … Read more

Fossil hunter brothers who dug up the world’s most expensive dinosaur are locked in bitter battle

The rock-star fossil hunter brothers who dug up the most expensive dinosaur bones in the world have been locked in a bitter dispute after a family fall out.   For years, legendary paleontologist brothers Peter and Neal Larson worked together on some of the most monumental fossil finds but tensions mounted several years ago when younger brother … Read more

Donald Trump brings Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner to tonight’s debate

President Donald Trump plans to bring Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner to Thursday night’s presidential debate as a way to confront Democrat Joe Biden on his son’s foreign business dealings.  The Atlantic reported that Trump’s aides have been telling people that the president’s special guest is Tony Bobulinski, who told The New York Post he had heard … Read more

Colorado hunter becomes prey when he’s stalked by a mountain lion

Hold it there kitty! Colorado hunter becomes prey after a mountain lion begins stalking him during tense stand-off Steve Shively was out hunting elk in the San Juan National Forest on Sunday  As he replaced the memory cards on his trail cameras he saw a mountain lion The predator stared directly at Shively who slowly … Read more

FBI has taken possession of Hunter Biden’s laptops

The FBI has seized Hunter Biden’s laptop and has confirmed the former vice president’s son’s emails are ‘authentic’, while dispelling earlier claims that they are part of a Russia disinformation campaign.  Senior federal officials told Fox News on Tuesday that the bureau is now in possession of the computer allegedly containing emails that could purportedly implicate Joe … Read more

FBI has taken possession of Hunter Biden’s laptops

The FBI has seized Hunter Biden’s laptop and has confirmed the former vice president’s son’s emails are ‘authentic’, while dispelling earlier claims that they are part of a Russia disinformation campaign.  Senior federal officials told Fox News on Tuesday that the bureau is now in possession of the computer allegedly containing emails that could purportedly implicate Joe … Read more

Trump slams reporter who criticised attacks on Joe and Hunter Biden

With his campaign battered in the polls, President Donald Trump on Monday lashed out at a traveling reporter who questioned his campaing’s constant focus on Hunter Biden – calling the scribe a ‘criminal’ for failing to cover it.  ‘You’re a criminal for reporting it. You are a criminal for not reporting it,’ the president said, … Read more