Greenland lost 600 BILLION tons of ice last summer raising global sea levels by almost 0.1 inches

Greenland lost 600 BILLION tons of ice last summer raising global sea levels by almost 0.1 inches in two months as the Arctic experienced its hottest year on record Ice volume changes were measured by two pairs of gravity-measuring satellites Greenland shed twice the ice last summer than each year on average since 2002 In the … Read more

Greenland and Antarctica are ‘losing ice SIX TIMES faster than in the 1990s’

Greenland and Antarctica are losing ice SIX TIMES FASTER than in the 1990s with sea levels set to rise 6.6 inches by 2100 — putting 400 million people at flood risk — if global warming goes unchecked Researchers combined ice sheet surveys with data from 11 satellite missions Antarctica and Greenland lost 6.4 trillion tonnes of … Read more

Scientists untangle mystery of how ice forms on Mercury with surface temperatures over 750 degrees

Scientists untangle the mystery of how ice formed on Mercury in spite of surface temperatures as hot as 750 degrees Fahrenheit Researchers at Georgia Tech investigate how ice forms on Mercury Most of the ice on the planet’s poles is believed to have come from asteroids However, some of that ice likely formed when compounds … Read more

TV’s Timmy Mallett on the ice cream that changed his life

Timmy Mallett on Good Morning Britain Children’s TV star Timmy Mallett finds investing tediously boring but necessary to change the world for the better, he tells Donna Ferguson. Mallett, who famously used to whack children on the head with an inflatable hammer on TV in the 1980s, thinks ethical investments have a huge power to … Read more