Confessions of an impulsive investor: A nice cheap global tracker beats my magpie Isa

Equities began the year pretty much where they had left off in 2020 – in a ‘buy everything’ bull market. Despite some wobbles before Christmas, growth shares made further gains in the first few weeks of the year alongside the recovery trade in value and cyclical stocks. My magpie Isa was 25 per cent up … Read more

Confessions of an Impulsive Investor: My magpie Isa of trusts and ETFs is up 20%

My father used to ‘play the stock market’.  He folded the profits from his small business in the 1970s into company shares, some of which came as recommendations from his stockbroker, over the bakelite telephone with a twisted brown cord. He added to this substantially with the big privatisations of the 1980s, and left a … Read more

Who is the most impulsive and reckless spender in your family?

Siblings have no trouble finding differences to bicker about, and spending habits are as likely as anything to cause familial ructions. But children in large families are likely to display very different attitudes towards money, research suggests. The middle child in a family is often the biggest spender compared to siblings, a study from peer-to-peer … Read more