Nine red squirrels join a couple for dinner on the Isle of Wight

That’s nuts! Moment stunned couple are joined by NINE red squirrels while eating dinner on their veranda By Darren Boyle for MailOnline Published: 16:51 BST, 17 June 2020 | Updated: 17:18 BST, 17 June 2020 A couple were stunned when they were joined by some unexpected dinner guests – a scurry of nine red squirrels. … Read more

‘Behemoth’ 115 million-year-old ammonite is found on a beach in the Isle of Wight 

210-pound ammonite  Pictured, an ammonite which has been described as a ‘behemoth’ and as ‘truly titanic’  An enormous fossil weighing almost 210 pounds and measuring around two feet in diameter was found on the Isle of Wight in 2020. The ammonite was spotted and pried loose of surrounding rock by university students Jack Wonfor, 19, and Theo … Read more

Does the Covid-19 app work? Cases tumbled on the Isle of Wight during test of NHS software

The NHS’s long-awaited coronavirus contact tracing app could be an effective way to cut down new cases and stop the spread of the disease, a trial on the Isle of Wight has suggested. Just two new cases of the illness have been discovered on the island, which is home to around 140,000 people, since the app’s … Read more

Does the Covid-19 app work? Cases tumbled on the Isle of Wight during test of NHS software

The NHS’s long-awaited coronavirus contact tracing app could be an effective way to cut down new cases and stop the spread of the disease, a trial on the Isle of Wight has suggested. Just two new cases of the illness have been discovered on the island, which is home to around 140,000 people, since the app’s … Read more

Isle of Sheppey homes evacuated after cliff collapse leaves house ‘hanging’ over the edge

Teetering on the brink: Incredible picture shows home ‘hanging’ over cliff edge after large landslide causes firefighters to evacuate 20 homes in Kent People in 20 properties were swiftly evacuated from Surf Crescent in Eastchurch Cliff erosion sparked immediate fears that homes could fall into the sea  A local resident described one home as ‘hanging’ off … Read more

Isle of Sheppey homes evacuated after cliff collapse leaves house ‘hanging’ over the edge

Teetering on the brink: Incredible picture shows home ‘hanging’ over cliff edge after large collapse overnight causes firefighters to evacuate 20 homes in Kent People in 20 properties were swiftly evacuated from Surf Crescent in Eastchurch Cliff erosion sparked immediate fears that homes could fall into the sea  A local resident described one home as ‘hanging’ … Read more

App chaos as mainlanders try to download trial programme from Isle of Wight

NHS contact tracing app in chaos before June deadline: Advisers complain about mainlanders downloading it in Isle of Wight trial and only one inhabitant has reported getting an alert Mail on Sunday found just one person on Isle of Wight who had received warning The Government has already admitted the app won’t be ready for … Read more

App chaos as mainlanders try to download trial programme from Isle of Wight

NHS contact tracing app in chaos before June deadline: Advisers complain about mainlanders downloading it in Isle of Wight trial and only one inhabitant has reported getting an alert Mail on Sunday found just one person on Isle of Wight who had received warning The Government has already admitted the app won’t be ready for … Read more