Italy overtakes China as the country with the most coronavirus deaths

Italy has now overtaken China as the country with the most coronavirus deaths after suffering 427 more fatalities, taking the total number to 3,405.  The latest figures have squashed hopes that the unprecedented national lockdown was helping to slow the spread of the pathogen.   The death toll in China, where the coronavirus started, currently stands … Read more

Coronavirus Italy: Man, 79, recovers after taking Ebola drug

Coronavirus cure hopes have today been raised after an infected Italian man in his 70s recovered with the help of an experimental Ebola drug. Doctors gave the unidentified 79-year-old remdesivir, which researchers around the world have tested in their desperate scramble to find a cure.  Officials in Liguria – the coastal region where the patient lives, … Read more

Coronavirus Italy: 99% of patients killed ‘had existing illnesses’

99% of patients killed by coronavirus in Italy had existing illnesses, study finds Research into 355 deaths found that only three (0.8%) had no other illnesses Nearly half of them – 48.5% – already had three or even more health conditions  Another 25.6% had two other ‘pathologies’, while 25.1% had one other illness Coronavirus symptoms: … Read more

Coronavirus Italy: 99% of patients killed ‘had existing illnesses’

99% of patients killed by coronavirus in Italy had existing illnesses, study finds Research into 355 deaths found that only three (0.8%) had no other illnesses Nearly half of them – 48.5% – already had three or even more health conditions  Another 25.6% had two other ‘pathologies’, while 25.1% had one other illness Coronavirus symptoms: … Read more

Spellbinding images show the beauty of Italy’s most stunning forests

Italy is best known for its picture-perfect cities, stunning lakes, incredible mountains and beautiful coastline. But its fairy tale-like forests are just as spellbinding- as these jaw-dropping images show. They were all snapped in enchanting woodland areas across Italy throughout the seasons and entered into the 2019 Experience Forests photo contest run by the Italian … Read more

Discovering old-fashioned pleasures in Le Marche, Italy

Those who crave simple, unpolluted, old-fashioned pleasures will appreciate Le Marche — a region of Italy, between the Adriatic Sea and the Apennine Mountains. The air is so clear that you can climb to a vantage point and almost see back 50 years. It’s where crimson-faced men return home from working the fields to mama’s … Read more

Coronavirus: Italy sees 475 deaths, the highest one-day toll

Italy has recorded the highest one-day official coronavirus death toll since the first case was detected in China late last year. On Wednesday the country reported 475 new deaths from Covid-19, just a day after it looked like Italian coronavirus infections had started to slow.  Italy’s Civil Protection Agency announced 4,207 new cases of Covid-19 … Read more

Coronavirus social distancing around the world

Social distancing could qualify as an oxymoron in Italy, where walking arm-in-arm with friends, kissing neighbors in greeting and patting the heads of babies are part of the demonstrative culture. But the coronavirus outbreak has rapidly redefined the concept of respecting personal space for tactile Italians, as well as for South Koreans, Filipinos, Americans, Spaniards … Read more

Coronavirus Italy: Town stopped outbreak by testing rigorously

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Facebook will launch a ‘coronavirus information center’ to provide users with legitimate information

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more