EU ‘unlikely to buy any more AstraZenica jabs’

The European Union is unlikely to order any more AstraZeneca vaccines despite the continent’s slow jab roll-out after data showed it very rarely causes blood clots, a senior French politician has declared. While no decision has been confirmed, French industry minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher said today that ‘it is highly probable’ no further doses will be ordered. … Read more

Holidays to Israel could be back on from May 23 ..but only if tourists have had two Covid jabs

Holidays to Israel could be back on next month: Foreign tourists will be able to travel to the Middle Eastern country from May 23…but only if they’ve had two Covid jabs Israel to welcome UK holidaymakers vaccinated with both doses from May 23    The Middle Eastern country will open its borders to groups of foreign … Read more

Could Premier League footballers get Covid jabs early? Over-40s should get vaccine invites this week

Premier League footballers could get their Covid vaccines early under plans being considered by ministers, it was claimed today. People in their 40s are set to be invited for their first dose from tomorrow, after the NHS finished booking appointments for those in higher priority cohorts. And footballers alongside hauliers, diplomats and other groups who … Read more

Covid vaccines UK: People in their 40s will be invited for jabs from tomorrow

People in their 40s will be invited for their Covid-19 vaccinations from tomorrow after the Government hit its target to inoculate priority groups. Those in their late 40s are expected to get their jabs first as the next phase of the rollout kicks off after a ‘record-breaking day’ for second doses yesterday, with figures showing … Read more

China admits its Covid jabs are not very effective in major blow to global health battle

China admits its Covid jabs are not very effective against the virus in major blow to global health battle The Director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Gao Fu has said the vaccines don’t have high protection rates against covid symptoms The jabs have been sent to 45 countries including Asia, Africa … Read more

China admits its Covid jabs are not very effective in major blow to global health battle

China admits its Covid jabs are not very effective against the virus in major blow to global health battle The Director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Gao Fu has said the vaccines don’t have high protection rates against covid symptoms The jabs have been sent to 45 countries including Asia, Africa … Read more

Italy fears the MAFIA have infiltrated nation’s vaccine supply to divert jabs to friends

Italy fears the MAFIA have infiltrated nation’s vaccine supply to divert jabs to friends instead of the elderly – as Prime Minister slams queue jumpers Authorities are investigating whether the mafia is redirecting some of the country’s Covid-19 vaccine supply It comes amid criticism of Italy’s failure to vaccinate the most vulnerable members of society   … Read more

Only St Vincent residents who’ve had Covid jabs will be evacuated onto cruise ships, PM announces 

The Prime Minister of St. Vincent has announced that only those residents of the Caribbean island who have received their Covid-19 vaccinations will be evacuated following the two explosions from the La Soufriere volcano. The volcano on the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent erupted for a second time as thousands of residents were ordered … Read more

Britain records biggest number of second Covid-19 jabs in a day as 450,000 are administered

Britain has recorded a record number of second doses of Covid-19 vaccine in a single day, with the total number of jabs rising to more than 39million in the country. Government data up to Friday shows the total number who have received at least one dose is now 39,001,554 in the UK. Of those 32,010,244 … Read more