GUY ADAMS: Why did David Cameron risk ignominy to lobby government?

There has always been an ugly whiff around David Cameron’s decision to be a headline act at ‘Davos in the Desert’, an investment summit in Saudi Arabia in 2019. The former prime minister’s presence was, after all, a timely PR coup for the oil-rich Islamic theocracy, which was in the diplomatic deep freeze following the … Read more

GUY ADAMS: Why did David Cameron risk ignominy to lobby government?

There has always been an ugly whiff around David Cameron’s decision to be a headline act at ‘Davos in the Desert’, an investment summit in Saudi Arabia in 2019. The former prime minister’s presence was, after all, a timely PR coup for the oil-rich Islamic theocracy, which was in the diplomatic deep freeze following the … Read more

Watchdog launches formal investigation into claims David Cameron lobby laws

Watchdog launches formal investigation into claims David Cameron breached ‘anti-sleaze’ laws his own government introduced by ‘lobbying the Treasury to get stricken financial firm Greensill access to Covid loan schemes’ Former prime minister alleged to have lobbied Treasury on behalf of Greensill  Said to have been part of efforts to increase firm’s access to Covid … Read more

Watchdog launches formal investigation into claims David Cameron lobby laws

Watchdog launches formal investigation into claims David Cameron breached ‘anti-sleaze’ laws his own government introduced by ‘lobbying the Treasury to get stricken financial firm Greensill access to Covid loan schemes’ Former prime minister alleged to have lobbied Treasury on behalf of Greensill  Said to have been part of efforts to increase firm’s access to Covid … Read more

Two AI robots working in a Chinese library ‘bicker’ in the lobby

Row-bots: Two androids ‘bicker like a couple’ at a Chinese library because they are ‘annoyed by each other’s temper’ Talking robots Tutu and Wangbao are high-tech guides at a library in China Funny footage appears to show them arguing at work in the building’s lobby  One accused the other of having a bad temper, igniting … Read more

Mother carries ‘murdered’ British one-year-old girl into hotel lobby and pleads for help

A distraught mother carried her ‘motionless’ British child into a five-star hotel lobby after the baby’s pilot father ‘beat her to death’. One-year-old Sophia Barakat – ‘always smiling’ according to a court witness who saw her before the tragedy – was ‘blue’ and ‘not breathing’. The mother Madina, 23, pleaded with staff at the InterContinental … Read more

George Stephanopoulos’s reps ‘lobby’ for him to ‘be Jeopardy! host’

George Stephanopoulos’ ‘reps are lobbying’ for him to ‘be the next host of Jeopardy!’ in new report… after Alex Trebek died at age 80 from pancreatic cancer By Sarah Sotoodeh and Dusica Sue Malesevic and Lauren Edmonds For Published: 20:26 GMT, 9 November 2020 | Updated: 21:03 GMT, 9 November 2020 George Stephanopoulos’ reps … Read more

AA boss sounds warning as parking firms lobby to be allowed to clamp again

Private parking firms are pushing to bring back laws that would allow them to clamp and tow vehicles, a new report has revealed. Submissions to a consultation on a code of conduct for private parking enforcement saw scores of companies calling for the return of clamping, with many demanding it as a top priority because … Read more

Book by Trump exec claims he ‘joked to Jews about ovens’ and ‘banned black people from his lobby’ 

A former longtime Trump executive has claimed the president once made her fire a woman for being pregnant, joked to Jewish businessmen about ‘the ovens’ and banned black people from the lobbies of his buildings.  Barbara Res has accused Donald Trump of a catalogue of racist, sexist and anti-Semitic behavior spanning the 18 years she worked … Read more