Macron says Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’

Macron says Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’ in annual address delivered hours after his father denounced him as a ‘self-serving’ politician Emmanuel Macron has told how Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’   Macron questioned the strength of Britain’s sovereignty following its departure His father Jean-Michel Macron, 70, spoke publicly … Read more

Brexit trade talks stall as Emmanuel Macron digs in over fish

‘There’s no white smoke’: Brexit trade talks stall amid fears negotiations will go on until December 31 deadline as UK warns Emmanuel Macron it will be a ‘miscalculation of historic proportions’ to think Britain will cave in Brexit trade talks between the UK and the EU remain ongoing as time ticks down European Parliament chiefs … Read more

Brexit trade talks stall as Emmanuel Macron digs in over fish

‘There’s no white smoke’: Brexit trade talks stall amid fears negotiations will go on until December 31 deadline as UK warns Emmanuel Macron it will be a ‘miscalculation of historic proportions’ to think Britain will cave in Brexit trade talks between the UK and the EU remain ongoing as time ticks down European Parliament chiefs … Read more

Emmanuel Macron blames ‘negligence’ and ‘bad luck’ for catching coronavirus after criticism

French President Emmanuel Macron has blamed his contraction of the Covid-19 virus on a combination of negligence and bad luck on Friday. The 42-year-old head of state urged his compatriots to stay safe in a self-shot video from the presidential retreat in Versailles where he is in self-isolation, as critics called out slip-ups in his behavior … Read more

President Macron is suffering from ‘fever, cough and fatigue’

France’s president Emmanuel Macron is suffering a fever, a cough and fatigue and has a military doctor at his bedside in Versailles after catching coronavirus, it emerged today.  Macron, 42, is staying at a residence called La Lanterne after testing positive for Covid-19 in a result which sparked frantic contact-tracing among EU leaders.   The Elysee’s … Read more

President Macron is suffering from ‘fever, cough and fatigue’

France’s president Emmanuel Macron is suffering a fever, a cough and fatigue and has a military doctor at his bedside in Versailles after catching coronavirus, it emerged today.  Macron, 42, is staying at a residence called La Lanterne after testing positive for Covid-19 in a result which sparked frantic contact-tracing among EU leaders.   The Elysee’s … Read more

Boris’s dig at Macron as Brexit negotiations go the 11th hour

Boris Johnson said Emmanuel Macron ‘shares my keen interest in protecting the eco-systems of our sea’ in an underhanded dig at the French president – as Brexit negotiations remain deadlocked over fishing rights. The UK’s chief trade negotiator Lord Frost was today seen leaving European Union headquarters in Brussels via a dingy underground car park following a … Read more

Boris’s dig at Macron as Brexit negotiations go the 11th hour

Boris Johnson said Emmanuel Macron ‘shares my keen interest in protecting the eco-systems of our sea’ in an underhanded dig at the French president – as Brexit negotiations remain deadlocked over fishing rights. The UK’s chief trade negotiator Lord Frost was today seen leaving European Union headquarters in Brussels via a dingy underground car park following a … Read more