MoS COMMENT: Grandiose Macron and vaccine prove we’re right to leave 

Mail on Sunday COMMENT: Grandiose Macron and vaccine prove we’re right to leave  By Mail On Sunday Comment For The Mail On Sunday Published: 00:55 GMT, 6 December 2020 | Updated: 09:46 GMT, 6 December 2020 The behaviour of the European Union in the Brexit talks shows very clearly just why it is necessary for … Read more

MoS COMMENT: Grandiose Macron and vaccine prove we’re right to leave 

Mail on Sunday COMMENT: Grandiose Macron and vaccine prove we’re right to leave  By Mail On Sunday Comment For The Mail On Sunday Published: 00:55 GMT, 6 December 2020 | Updated: 09:46 GMT, 6 December 2020 The behaviour of the European Union in the Brexit talks shows very clearly just why it is necessary for … Read more

SIMON WALTERS: Only Macron stands in the way of PM’s triumph on Brexit deal and Covid vaccine

By Monday morning, Boris Johnson could have earned his place in history.  Securing a Brexit trade deal in the blink of an eye, just days after Britain became the first country in the world to approve a Covid vaccine, would be an achievement to rival Sir Robert Walpole’s record of 20 years, 315 days in … Read more

Brexit: Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron in trade talks stand-off

Boris Johnson was locked in a stand-off with Emmanuel Macron last night as Brexit talks teetered on the brink. British officials claimed the French president had pressured European Union chief negotiator Michel Barnier to take a hardline stance. A close Macron ally yesterday said he would veto any trade deal that went against French interests. … Read more

SIMON WALTERS: Only Macron stands in the way of PM’s triumph on Brexit deal and Covid vaccine

By Monday morning, Boris Johnson could have earned his place in history.  Securing a Brexit trade deal in the blink of an eye, just days after Britain became the first country in the world to approve a Covid vaccine, would be an achievement to rival Sir Robert Walpole’s record of 20 years, 315 days in … Read more

Brexit: Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron in trade talks stand-off

Boris Johnson was locked in a stand-off with Emmanuel Macron last night as Brexit talks teetered on the brink. British officials claimed the French president had pressured European Union chief negotiator Michel Barnier to take a hardline stance. A close Macron ally yesterday said he would veto any trade deal that went against French interests. … Read more

Macron accuses media of legitimising terror attacks in France by discussing racism and Islamaphobia

Emmanuel Macron has accused the press of legitimising terrorist violence in France by suggesting the country is racist and Islamophobia because of his stance on extremists. The French President called The New York Times media correspondent Ben Smith to criticise the paper’s English-language coverage of France’s stance on Islamic extremism in the wake of recent … Read more

Protesters chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ in Jakarta after Indonesia condemns Macron

Protests against Emmanuel Macron have continued across the Muslim world in the wake of his comments over depictions of the Prophet Mohammed. In Jakarta, more than 2,000 demonstrators wearing white Islamic robes gathered in front of the French embassy to express their outrage, and burned an effigy of the French President. Meanwhile in Bangladesh, at … Read more

French fishermen threaten to stop British goods at the border if Macron fails to strike a deal

French fishermen threaten to stop British goods at the border if Macron fails to strike a deal President Emmanuel Macron and government have been on a charm offensive  They publicly adopted Theresa May’s ‘No Deal is better than a bad one’ mantra But he was forced into an embarrassing climbdown after an earlier EU summit  … Read more

French fishermen threaten to stop British goods at the border if Macron fails to strike a deal

French fishermen threaten to stop British goods at the border if Macron fails to strike a deal President Emmanuel Macron and government have been on a charm offensive  They publicly adopted Theresa May’s ‘No Deal is better than a bad one’ mantra But he was forced into an embarrassing climbdown after an earlier EU summit  … Read more