Fashion: YOU Will Love  | Daily Mail Online

Fashion: YOU Will Love By Shelly Vella For You Magazine Published: 00:02 GMT, 22 March 2020 | Updated: 00:02 GMT, 22 March 2020 …Fashion Director Shelly Vella’s light and airy spring buys  …Fashion Director Shelly Vella’s light and airy spring buys Shampoo, £16, Sneakers, £85, Blazer, £64.99, Ring, £75,  Bio resin … Read more

Mail on Sunday reviews new breed of vegan burgers, created in a lab to taste like real beef

Few things in life are as simple – or as pleasurable to eat – as a burger. That first bite, the rich, meaty and slightly charred flavours, mixed with smooth, salty cheese, the sharpness of onion and the tang of veg and sauce. If this sounds vaguely obsessive, it’s because I’ve not eaten one since … Read more

CONTEMPORARY  | Daily Mail Online

CONTEMPORARY By Sara Lawrence for the Daily Mail Published: 22:01 GMT, 19 March 2020 | Updated: 22:01 GMT, 19 March 2020 THE F***-IT LIST by John Niven (Heinemann £16.99, 256 pp) THE F***-IT LIST by John Niven (Heinemann £16.99, 256 pp) Hilarious and horrifying in equal measure, this compulsive revenge novel is set in America … Read more

CRIME  | Daily Mail Online

CRIME By Geoffrey Wansell for the Daily Mail Published: 22:01 GMT, 19 March 2020 | Updated: 22:01 GMT, 19 March 2020 KEEPER by Jessica Moor (Viking £14.99, 336 pp) KEEPER by Jessica Moor (Viking £14.99, 336 pp) This debut from Cambridge graduate Moor is vastly impressive and also shines a light on violence and abuse … Read more

Baked custard with blueberries  | Daily Mail Online

Baked custard with blueberries By Aaron Bertelsen Published: 00:02 GMT, 9 February 2020 | Updated: 00:02 GMT, 9 February 2020 SERVES 6 PREP TIME 15 minutes, plus infusing and cooling COOK TIME 50-55 minutes Cooking the blueberries in their juices really helps to bring out their flavour and creates a wonderful contrast with the smooth, … Read more

CONTEMPORARY  | Daily Mail Online

CONTEMPORARY By Sara Lawrence for the Daily Mail Published: 22:08 GMT, 14 November 2019 | Updated: 22:46 GMT, 14 November 2019 THE GIFTED SCHOOL by Bruce Holsinger (Headline £18.99, 464 pp) THE GIFTED SCHOOL by Bruce Holsinger (Headline £18.99, 464 pp) This compelling page-turner features four families living in a wealthy, small town in Colorado, … Read more