China’s Long March 4B rocket booster explodes after crashing into a nearby town

China’s Long March 4B rocket booster explodes into a massive cloud of orange smoke after crashing into a nearby town and narrowly missing a school China launched its Long March 4B rocket carrying a satellite into orbit Monday Shortly after the launch, the rocket booster was spotted falling back to Earth The booster veered off course … Read more

Security forces blockade Minsk city centre as more than 100,000 demonstrators march on palace

The army and security forces have blockaded Minsk city centre as more than 100,000 demonstrators demand the Belarusian President quit over ‘rigged’ election victory.   Protests against President Alexander Lukashenko entered their fifth week as tens of thousands of demonstrators marched to the outskirts of his presidential residence in the capital.   Protests calling for the country’s authoritarian … Read more

Security forces blockade Minsk city centre as more than 100,000 demonstrators march on palace

The army and security forces have blockaded Minsk city centre as more than 100,000 demonstrators demand the Belarusian President quit over ‘rigged’ election victory.   Protests against President Alexander Lukashenko entered their fifth week as tens of thousands of demonstrators marched to the outskirts of his presidential residence in the capital.   Protests calling for the country’s authoritarian … Read more

Police clash with anti-immigration protesters blocking dual carriageway as they march towards Dover

Police clashes are ongoing in Dover as anti-immigration protestors have blocked the A20 dual carriageway in both directions while shouting ‘England ’till I die’. Several officers were seen restraining one person on the ground before arresting them and at least 50 officers are at the scene by the A20, which remains blocked in both directions.   There … Read more

Police clash with anti-immigration protesters blocking dual carriageway as they march towards Dover

Police clash with anti-immigration protesters blocking dual carriageway as they march towards Dover where 100 pro-migrant activists are also holding demonstration At least 40 officers are at the scene on the A20 while protesters block the road  Fears of violence were voiced and local MP pleaded with people to ‘stay away’ Cohorts of pro and … Read more

Thousands of Extinction Rebellion activists march on London as sun shines

A wheelchair user ended up collapsed on the road as police moved on thousands of Extinction Rebellion activists amassed in central London today – with officers making 65 public order arrests so far.   The woman was spoken to by officers while she was blocking a road before being moved away. At one point she was … Read more

Thousands of Extinction Rebellion activists march on London as sun shines

A wheelchair user was moved on by police during Extinction Rebellion protests in London today as at least five activists were arrested at the start of two weeks of large-scale action.   The woman was spoken to by officers while she was blocking a road before being moved away. At one point she was seen lying … Read more

Dozens of activists gather in Notting Hill for Million People March in BLM protest

Dozens of activists gather in Notting Hill for the Million People March in BLM protest as they lie down in road and block traffic before heading to Hyde Park The Million People March is protesting against racism and is taking place in lieu of the Notting Hill carnival Demonstrators lay down in the road outside … Read more

Dozens of activists gather in Notting Hill for Million People March in BLM protest

Dozens of activists gather in Notting Hill for the Million People March in BLM protest as they lie down in road and block traffic before heading to Hyde Park The Million People March is protesting against racism and is taking place in lieu of the Notting Hill carnival Demonstrators lay down in the road outside … Read more

Queen sees Prince William, Kate Middleton and their children at Balmoral for first time since March

The Queen has finally been reunited with William, Kate and their three children for the first since the country was plunged in coronavirus lockdown, according to reports. Almost exactly five months after the Queen told Britons ‘We will meet again’ in a now historic address to the nation, she had her first socially distanced meeting … Read more