Delta Air Lines flight to Atlanta is forced to turn around after 2 passengers refused to wear masks

Delta Air Lines flight from Detroit to Atlanta is forced to turn around after two passengers refused to wear masks and ‘were non-compliant with crew instructions’ Flight 1227 was forced to return to the gate at Detroit Metro Airport on July 23 A Delta Air Lines spokesperson said that the two passengers ‘were non-comliant with … Read more

Oxford University students will have to wear face masks

Oxford University students will have to wear face masks in all lectures and seminars in the next academic year, it has been announced.  The world-renowned university has made it compulsory for students to wear a covering in any shared indoor space, including the college bars, the students’ union and any libraries, unless they have a medical exemption. The latest … Read more

Headteachers could be SUED for ‘irrationally’ forcing pupils to wear face masks

Headteachers could be sued for ‘irrationally’ forcing pupils to wear face masks when schools reopen fully in September. The policy could be challenged with a judicial review for being ‘manifestly absurd’, a law firm said today, while a parents’ campaign vowed to join any legal action.  At least ten schools in England have decided to … Read more

Headteachers could be SUED for ‘irrationally’ forcing pupils to wear face masks

Headteachers could be sued for ‘irrationally’ forcing pupils to wear face masks when schools reopen fully in September. The policy could be challenged with a judicial review for being ‘manifestly absurd’, a law firm said today, while a parents’ campaign vowed to join any legal action.  At least ten schools in England have decided to … Read more

Are masks giving men a licence to stare? Women report a rise in ‘aggressive eye contact’

Face coverings are now mandatory in shops and supermarkets across England. Under new rules introduced by the Government over the weekend, people will need to cover their nose and mouth or face a fine of up to £100. People with certain disabilities will be exempt. This comes after rules requiring people to wear face coverings … Read more

Teaching unions call for face masks to be made mandatory for children

Teaching unions have urged ministers to make face masks mandatory for children in secondary schools when they finally return in September. Ministers currently have no plans to make pupils or staff in the UK wear masks when they go back to school after the summer holidays.  The Government has conceded that face masks in the classroom … Read more

Teaching unions call for face masks to be made mandatory for children

Teaching unions have urged ministers to make face masks mandatory for children in secondary schools when they finally return in September. Ministers currently have no plans to make pupils or staff in the UK wear masks when they go back to school after the summer holidays.  The Government has conceded that face masks in the classroom … Read more

Shocking moment thieves in medical face masks raid Curry’s PC World

Shocking moment thieves in medical face masks raid Currys PC World – snatching phones and tablets as terrified staff look on Incident happened at 2.22pm yesterday on London Road in Southend-on-Sea One of the four men fled the scene with what looked like a tablet under his arm Police are investigating the incident and the Essex store … Read more

Now TEN schools tell pupils to wear face masks for when they return in September

Now TEN schools tell pupils to wear face masks for when they return in September in defiance of Government advice that they are unnecessary Ten schools will tell students to wear face masks when they are back in school Government advice says masks could increase virus transmission due to misuse One school has even told parents … Read more

Secondary head tells pupils they must wear face masks – despite government advice saying otherwise

Masks are now part of school uniform: Secondary head tells pupils and staff they must wear face-coverings when classes restart in September – despite government advice saying otherwise Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School & Sixth Form College has enforced rule  It comes after Government advice saying masks in schools is ‘not recommended’ Matt Hancock said: ‘If … Read more