Cutest dog breeds according to ancient Greek mathematical formula are revealed

What is the Golden Ratio?  The golden ratio The Golden Ratio is a mathematical formula devised in ancient Greece to determine ‘physical perfection’ by comparing measurements, ratios and symmetry.   During the Renaissance, artists and Architects used the equation, also known as Phi, as an aid during the creation of their masterpieces. Scientists have since adapted … Read more

Cutest dog breeds according to ancient Greek mathematical formula are revealed

How is the Golden Ratio measured? The Golden Ratio was devised in ancient Greece to determine ‘physical perfection’ by comparing the measurements, ratios and symmetry of the facial features.   During the Renaissance, artists and Architects used the equation as an aid during the creation of their masterpieces. Scientists have since adapted the mathematical formula to … Read more

Mathematical models supports a cautious reopening of schools

Scientists say the reopening of schools in England, both primary and secondary, is ‘unlikely’ to lead to a second wave of coronavirus infections. The gradual reopening of schools, starting with primary schools, wouldn’t drive the average coronavirus transmission rate above one, infectious disease experts claim.  Their mathematical modelling study shows that the impact of less … Read more