Mayor Bill de Blasio says very substantial cuts are coming to the NYPD

Mayor Bill de Blasio says ‘very substantial’ cuts are coming to the NYPD amid calls to strip $1billion from the $6billion budget as it’s revealed 272 cops have filed for retirement since George Floyd’s death Bill de Blasio said on Friday that he is finalizing ‘very substantial ‘ cuts to NYPD City council speaker has called … Read more

Mayor Bill de Blasio says very substantial cuts are coming to the NYPD

Mayor Bill de Blasio says ‘very substantial’ cuts are coming to the NYPD amid calls to strip $1billion from the $6billion budget as it’s revealed 272 cops have filed for retirement since George Floyd’s death Bill de Blasio said on Friday that he is finalizing ‘very substantial ‘ cuts to NYPD City council speaker has called … Read more

Liverpool mayor slams football fans partying a second night

Mayor Joe Anderson has blasted Liverpool fans as they party for a second night with little concern for social distancing after their side won their first league title in 30 years.  The Reds, who had to endure a three-month wait for glory amid the coronavirus pandemic, were crowned champions on Thursday after Manchester City failed … Read more

Liverpool mayor slams football fans partying a second night

Mayor Joe Anderson has blasted Liverpool fans as they party for a second night with little concern for social distancing after their side won their first league title in 30 years.  The Reds, who had to endure a three-month wait for glory amid the coronavirus pandemic, were crowned champions on Thursday after Manchester City failed … Read more

Seattle will move to dismantle protest zone, mayor says

Seattle’s mayor says the city will move to wind down the ‘occupied’ protest zone following two recent shootings, including one that left a man dead. Mayor Jenny Durkan said at a news conference Monday that officials are working with the community to bring the ‘Capitol Hill Occupied Protest’ zone to an end after two weeks. … Read more

Sadiq Khan admits he has ‘not been providing proper leadership’ as Mayor of London

Sadiq Khan admitted he has failed to provide ‘proper leadership’ as he opens up about how lockdown has affected his mental health.  The London Mayor said that he was used to stressful situations, but the past 10 or 11 weeks had been ‘the hardest of [his] professional life, in relation to the loneliness’.   ‘I’ve found it … Read more

Leicester mayor refuses to tear down statue of Mahatma Gandhi

He was named the Father of the Nation after his peaceful struggle to lead India to independence from the British. Mahatma Gandhi was the architect of a form of non-violent civil disobedience, organising boycotts against British institutions in a tactic that would influence the world. The political and spiritual leader famously staged 17 hunger strikes … Read more

Leicester mayor refuses to tear down statue of Mahatma Gandhi

He was named the Father of the Nation after his peaceful struggle to lead India to independence from the British. Mahatma Gandhi was the architect of a form of non-violent civil disobedience, organising boycotts against British institutions in a tactic that would influence the world. The political and spiritual leader famously staged 17 hunger strikes … Read more

Mayor slammed for comparing Black Lives Matter protesters to monkeys climbing on a car

The former mayor of a Welsh town has claimed he was hacked after a shocking post comparing black protesters to monkeys appeared on his Facebook page.    Councillor Peter Kraus claimed he only found out about the contentious post when he was contacted by the Pembroke Dock Town Council clerk on Monday, amid outrage and accusations of racism.  … Read more

London Mayor Sadiq Khan predicts facemasks will become the ‘new normal’ for a YEAR

London Mayor Sadiq Khan predicts facemasks will become the ‘new normal’ for a YEAR as he makes them compulsory on the capital’s transport network Protective face coverings are compulsory on all public transport from Monday  Free masks were handed out in their thousands on buses and trains in England 3,000 more police took to the … Read more