Christian Eriksen, his wife and the six medics who saved his life are invited to Euro 2020 final

Christian Eriksen, his wife and the six medics who saved his life are invited to Wembley to watch Euro 2020 final by UEFA… and Denmark star could yet see his country in Sunday’s showdown By Kieran Gill for the Daily Mail and Daniel Davis For Mailonline Published: 17:33 BST, 6 July 2021 | Updated: 00:57 … Read more

More than 600 medics demand end to the ‘pills in the post’ abortion scheme

More than 600 medics demand end to the ‘pills in the post’ abortion scheme brought in during lockdown amid fears they are being used on foetuses after the ten-week limit Hundreds of medics call for a reversal of the relaxation in abortion rules They argue rules also made it easier for men to coerce women into … Read more

More than 600 medics demand end to the ‘pills in the post’ abortion scheme

More than 600 medics demand end to the ‘pills in the post’ abortion scheme brought in during lockdown amid fears they are being used on foetuses after the ten-week limit Hundreds of medics call for a reversal of the relaxation in abortion rules They argue rules also made it easier for men to coerce women into … Read more

Parents of model, 20, who died after burst appendix led to sepsis blast medics at inquest 

‘Doctors let her down’: Parents of model, 20, who died after burst appendix led to sepsis blast medics at inquest Chloe Rideout, 20, died at Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro in October 2018 She died from multi-organ failure due to sepsis and a perforated appendix Her mother told a coroner that Chloe was ‘let down’ … Read more

‘Leaked’ footage ‘shows Alexei Navalny doing pull-ups’ after medics said he was close to death

Leaked footage of Kremlin foe Alexei Navalny in jail apparently shows him doing pull-ups, despite spending the past three weeks on hunger strike.  A video, presumably released with official approval, is aimed at countering claims he could die at ‘any minute’. It was spread among pro-Kremlin social media on Friday although it is not clear when … Read more

Medics at Iowa state prison gave 77 inmates up to SIX TIMES the normal dose of the Pfizer vaccine 

Medics at an Iowa state prison gave 77 inmates up to SIX TIMES the normal dose of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine Medical staff gave 77 inmates at the Iowa State Penitentiary were given the wrong dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine Patients were given 3 mL doses, which is six times higher than the dose of … Read more

Coronavirus: NHS medics urge Boris Johnson to tackle ‘chronic undersupply’ of health staff

NHS unions are appealing for billions of pounds from the Government to hire more staff and stop a ‘chronic undersupply’ of health workers. Leading medical organisations, including NHS Confederation and the British Medical Association, say there are nearly 90,000 empty job posts. In an open letter warning to Boris Johnson, they warn there will be … Read more

Medics including Alexei Navalny’s personal doctor are again denied access to prison

Alexei Navalny’s doctors have again been denied access to him despite growing concerns over his health as Russian state TV imposed a news blackout on his hunger strike.  The jailed Kremlin critic, 44, has been striking since March 31 demanding medical treatment for a litany of ailments and a team of medics including his personal … Read more

Furious health unions line up to slam Matt Hancock over ‘slap in the face’ 1% pay rise for medics

Furious health unions have slammed Matt Hancock over the one per cent pay rise for medics. The British Medical Association, the Royal College of Midwives, the Royal College of Nursing and Unison wrote an open letter to Rishi Sunak calling for a ‘fair pay deal’. They said NHS workers ‘have literally kept the country alive for … Read more

Medics warn Prince Philip could face weeks more in hospital amid mystery infection and heart issue

Prince Philip could face weeks more in hospital after being transferred to an NHS trust for a pre-existing heart condition, medics warned today. Buckingham Palace revealed The Duke of Edinburgh had been moved from the private King Edward VII Hospital to St Bartholomew’s – commonly known as Barts – this morning for ‘testing and observation’ … Read more