Belgian PM is shamed by ‘outraged’ medics as they turn their backs on her in protest

Belgian PM is shamed by ‘outraged’ medics as they turn their backs on her in protest of her handling of the pandemic PM Sophie Wilmès visited Saint-Pierre Hospital, Marollen, Brussels, Saturday On arrival in a motorcade she saw rows of medics turning their backs one by one  Doctors and nurses were protesting the PM’s handling … Read more

How was Panorama infiltrated by the Left? BBC interviewed five medics with Labour links over PPE

When Panorama turned its gunson the PPE crisis, five medics savaged the Tories’ approach. Yet they ALL had Labour links. The deadly shortage of PPE in our hospitals and care homes is a national tragedy that the Mail — and its readers — are working tirelessly to fix through the charity Mail Force. We have … Read more

One in four medics forced to re-use protective clothing as failure to stockpile dates back 11 years

The Government’s shambolic handling of the PPE crisis was laid bare last night after a documentary claimed ministers counted every glove individually instead of in pairs to boast of delivering one million bits of protective kit to NHS staff. A BBC Panorama investigation revealed Number 10 had failed to buy enough masks, gowns, visors and … Read more

China sends medics to North Korea amid claims in Japanese media Kim Jong Un is in a vegetative state

New rumors are circulating claiming that Kim Jong Un has died –  including a top Hong Kong journalist. Vice director of HKSTV Hong Kong Satellite Television Shijian Xingzou says that a ‘very solid source’ has told her Kim Jonh Un has died.  Separately, one Japanese media outlet claims that the North Korean dictator is in a … Read more

China sends medics to North Korea amid claims in Japanese media Kim Jong Un is in a vegetative state

China has dispatched a team to North Korea including medical experts to advise on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, according to three people familiar with the situation. The trip by the Chinese doctors and officials comes amid conflicting reports about the health of the North Korean leader, with one Japanese media outlet claiming that … Read more

Matt Hancock sounds like a quartermaster, says ex-head of Army medics Dr Michael von Bertele

DR MICHAEL VON BERTELE is the former Director General of the Army Medical Services We all know the saying: ‘We won the battle but lost the war’ – and that is what could well happen with the fight against coronavirus.  King Pyrrhus, from whom the term Pyrrhic victory was derived, might have defeated the Roman … Read more

How NHS medics can now RE-USE masks and gowns

Controversial guidance issued to NHS doctors and nurses fighting the coronavirus crisis on the frontline have advised them to reuse PPE. It said disposable gowns can be re-used and masks should not be binned between patients – but gloves and aprons should still be disposed of as usual.  Medics attacked the guidance, arguing no healthcare … Read more

How NHS medics can now RE-USE masks and gowns

Controversial guidance issued to NHS doctors and nurses fighting the coronavirus crisis on the frontline have advised them to reuse PPE. It said disposable gowns can be re-used and masks should not be binned between patients – but gloves and aprons should still be disposed of as usual.  Medics attacked the guidance, arguing no healthcare … Read more

Medics find coronavirus in the lungs of Iranian woman, 30, even though she had no symptoms

Medics find coronavirus in the lungs of Iranian woman, 30, even though she had no symptoms of the deadly virus Medics in Tehran discovered the coronavirus in the lungs of a woman, 30 She did not display symptoms of the disease but demanded a CT scan to check Doctors say it is being ‘increasingly recognised’ … Read more

Medics find coronavirus in the lungs of Iranian woman, 30, even though she had no symptoms

Medics find coronavirus in the lungs of Iranian woman, 30, even though she had no symptoms of the deadly virus Medics in Tehran discovered the coronavirus in the lungs of a woman, 30 She did not display symptoms of the disease but demanded a CT scan to check Doctors say it is being ‘increasingly recognised’ … Read more