Penny Lancaster: ‘I’ve hit the menopause in lockdown – but at least Rod’s doing the dishes!’

Penny Lancaster is talking — with much sense, it must be said — about the lack of diversity in our police force, and why it endangers us all. ‘The problems arise when you have a them and us mentality,’ she says. ‘People tend to see police officers as The Police, a big block, rather than … Read more

Women exposed to PFAS chemicals appear to face an earlier menopause

Exposure to a type of man-made chemicals may cause menopause to occur two years earlier in women, a new study warns. US researchers found that high levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in blood samples contributed to an earlier menopause in women. PFAS, which are used as oil and water repellents and coatings for … Read more

Why menopause makes you comfort eat – and how to stop it, a leading psychologist explains

This ‘sandwich generation’ of midlife women has a double whammy of stress as they are often still housing and looking after boomerang children, as well as caring for aging parents. Many of the symptoms of the menopause – memory lapses and loss of concentration – only make you more stressed.  Some women even worry that … Read more