MIDAS UPDATE: DiscoverIE shares nearly triple since 2014

MIDAS SHARE TIPS UPDATE: Our tip is still a good DiscoverIE as shares nearly triple since 2014 By Joanne Hart for The Mail on Sunday Published: 22:15 GMT, 6 February 2021 | Updated: 22:15 GMT, 6 February 2021 With the UK’s coronavirus vaccination programme surging ahead of almost every other country, more than ten million … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Carpet and flooring giant Headlam

The past year has been one of the toughest in living memory for businesses and many have suffered.  But Britain’s entrepreneurial spirit has also come into its own, as companies have adapted to coronavirus-induced restrictions and made the best of it. Many are now starting to surprise investors, with better than expected figures for the … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS UPDATE: Sirius proves doubters wrong

MIDAS SHARE TIPS UPDATE: Business park firm Sirius Real Estate proves doubters wrong By Joanne Hart, Financial Mail on Sunday Published: 21:51 GMT, 30 January 2021 | Updated: 21:51 GMT, 30 January 2021 Just like the UK, Germany is in lockdown. Businesses are hurting and a furlough scheme has been extended to the end of … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Cordiant Digital powering online boom

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: More than 4.5bn people use the internet every day, so plug in to tech firm Cordiant Digital, which is powering the online boom By Joanne Hart, Financial Mail on Sunday Published: 21:50 GMT, 30 January 2021 | Updated: 13:22 GMT, 31 January 2021 More than 4.5billion people use the internet every day, … Read more

MIDAS SHARES: Zoo Digital dubs Mickey Mouse in any language

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Add Zoo Digital to your portfolio, it’s the firm that can dub Walt Disney character Mickey Mouse in any language By Joanne Hart, Financial Mail on Sunday Published: 21:51 GMT, 23 January 2021 | Updated: 21:51 GMT, 23 January 2021 For decades, watching scheduled programmes on TV was a national pastime. Now, … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS UPDATE: Feed maker Anpario flying high

MIDAS SHARE TIPS UPDATE: Healthy animal feed maker Anpario is flying high By Joanne Hart, Financial Mail on Sunday Published: 21:51 GMT, 23 January 2021 | Updated: 21:51 GMT, 23 January 2021 Not that long ago, the Chinese accounted for half the world’s consumption of antibiotics – 160,000 tons per year. More than 50 per … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Gain pounds from the obesity war

Even  in normal years, January is a time for new resolutions – drink less, eat better, exercise more. This January is far from normal, however. Covid-19 has put health in the spotlight like never before, including an intense focus on weight.  According to Government statistics, two-thirds of the UK population are overweight or obese. The … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Grafton is sturdy choice in rickety times

A weary sense of déjà vu swept through the nation last week, when Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced another nationwide lockdown and urged us all to stay at home. In some ways it seemed like March 2020 all over again – without the good weather.  There are some major differences though, not least in construction. … Read more

MIDAS SHARE TIPS UPDATE: Braemar up 50% in eight months

MIDAS SHARE TIPS UPDATE: Our shipshape tip Braemar rises 50% in eight months By Joanne Hart, Financial Mail on Sunday Published: 21:52 GMT, 9 January 2021 | Updated: 21:52 GMT, 9 January 2021 While most of the world continues to struggle with Covid-19, China is well on the road to recovery. World Bank forecasts suggest … Read more

MIDAS: How our share tips for 2020 have raced ahead of the market

This time last year, Boris Johnson had just won the General Election by a huge majority and it seemed as if a new era was about to begin.  A few cases of a strange virus had been reported in China, but few people noticed. As far as most economists and stock markets were concerned, the … Read more