Did Allegra Stratton mislead the Press pack over refurb? Labour demand inquiry

Did Allegra Stratton mislead the Press pack over refurb? Labour demand inquiry into whether PM’s press secretary ‘knowingly misled’ journalists Former journalist was Mr Johnson’s press secretary from October until last week  Labour’s demand came after No 10 spokesman declined to deny PM’s loan  That claim appears to run contrary to what Miss Stratton said … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon DID mislead the Scottish Parliament, committee concludes

Nicola Sturgeon misled the Scottish Parliament over her handling of harassment claims against Alex Salmond, an inquiry has concluded. The committee of MSPs said the First Minister ‘potentially breached the ministerial code’, which is generally considered a resignation offence. Their bombshell report came after Ms Sturgeon gave evidence about her role in the Scottish Government’s … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon DID mislead the Scottish Parliament, committee concludes

Nicola Sturgeon misled the Scottish Parliament over her handling of harassment claims against Alex Salmond, an inquiry has concluded. The committee of MSPs said the First Minister ‘potentially breached the ministerial code’, which is generally considered a resignation offence. Their bombshell report came after Ms Sturgeon gave evidence for eight hours about her role in … Read more