Coronavirus UK: 50,000 cancer cases MISSED during pandemic crisis

Up to 50,000 cancer cases have gone undiagnosed during the pandemic, a leading charity warned yesterday. It said NHS services could take almost two years to recover. Macmillan Cancer Support added that the country was ‘at a crossroads’ and said shutting down cancer care this winter could cost thousands of lives. Experts predict the number … Read more

Chrissy Teigen says she has ‘missed’ sharing her ‘cookbook journey’ and is back on social media

Chrissy Teigen confirmed she was back on social media on Tuesday after spending weeks away while she recovered from losing her son Jack while four months pregnant. The 34-year-old model shared some tasty glimpses of vegetables roasting to say she had ‘missed’ getting to share her ‘cookbook journey’ with her millions of fans due to … Read more

Police officer who missed Manchester Bomber said he should have taken a ‘more proportionate’ break 

A police officer who missed the Manchester Arena suicide bomber after driving five miles for a kebab with a female colleague during a two-hour lunch has admitted he should have taken a ‘more proportionate’ break. Mark Renshaw travelled from Victoria Station near the arena to Mazaa’s kebab shop in Longsight to get a takeaway with British Transport … Read more

Mother reveals newborn nearly died after doctor missed deadly group B strep infection

A mother who claims she was told by a doctor to treat her sick newborn with Calpol has revealed ignoring his advice saved her from a deadly infection which would have killed her an hour later. Victoria Auton, 35, from Hartlepool, had a strong gut feeling something was seriously wrong with her little girl, despite … Read more

Test and Trace shambles as malfunctioning phones thwart efforts to find 40,000 missed off database

NHS coronavirus contact tracers struggled to reach tens of thousands of potentially infectious people yesterday after phone lines crashed following an IT malfunction. As workers attempted to catch up on a backlog of calls to the 16,000 infectious people missed from the database – due to an error caused by an outdated version of Microsoft’s … Read more

Test and Trace shambles as malfunctioning phones thwart efforts to find 40,000 missed off database

NHS coronavirus contact tracers struggled to reach tens of thousands of potentially infectious people yesterday after phone lines crashed following an IT malfunction. As workers attempted to catch up on a backlog of calls to the 16,000 infectious people missed from the database – due to an error caused by an outdated version of Microsoft’s … Read more

Furious blame game after 16,000 Covid cases are missed due to Excel glitch

An Excel bungle that led to thousands of cases being lost in government systems masked daily cases in the UK hitting 11,000. A clearer picture of the country’s outbreak has emerged after some 16,000 confirmed infections had to be added to the daily totals running back more than a week. Counted by the date specimens … Read more

Chris Wallace says the debate was ‘a terrible missed opportunity’

Chris Wallace said Wednesday that Tuesday evening’s presidential debate was ‘a terrible missed opportunity’ that ‘went off the tracks’.  In his first comments since the event, the moderator said he accepted a glass of champagne from CEO of the Fox Corporation Lachlan Murdoch while waiting at the airport for his flight home from Cleveland.  But he … Read more

Oxford United footballers nearly missed their match because of anti-coronavirus gel

Oxford United footballers nearly missed their match after an anti-coronavirus gel sprayed over the bus tipped the driver over the drink limit Players at League One side Oxford United had just taken their seats on the bus An alcohol-based aerosol got into the breathalyser and halted the vehicle The players and coaching staff were left … Read more

Oxford United footballers nearly missed their match because of anti-coronavirus gel

Oxford United footballers nearly missed their match after an anti-coronavirus gel sprayed over the bus tipped the driver over the drink limit Players at League One side Oxford United had just taken their seats on the bus An alcohol-based aerosol got into the breathalyser and halted the vehicle The players and coaching staff were left … Read more