You can kiss mistletoe goodbye this Christmas: Covid lockdown sees low demand for crop

You can kiss mistletoe goodbye this Christmas: Covid lockdown sees low demand for crop due to lack of winter weddings, office parties and other social gatherings There has been a healthy crop, but industry insiders are reporting low demand  Country’s only mistletoe auction in Worcestershire called off due to pandemic  The Government said last week … Read more

You can kiss mistletoe goodbye this Christmas: Covid lockdown sees low demand for crop

You can kiss mistletoe goodbye this Christmas: Covid lockdown sees low demand for crop due to lack of winter weddings, office parties and other social gatherings There has been a healthy crop, but industry insiders are reporting low demand  Country’s only mistletoe auction in Worcestershire called off due to pandemic  The Government said last week … Read more

Mistletoe and crime! Police forces reveal plan for families breaking Covid orders at Christmas

More police forces from across the UK have confirmed they will enforce coronavirus restrictions if they are broken over Christmas – as nearly 20% of families said they would ignore the Rule of Six. A MailOnline investigation into the England and Wales’ 43 constabularies has uncovered differences in approach ranging from intervening in gatherings to … Read more