How the royals’ outpouring of grief signals a shift in the monarchy’s approach to emotion

The royals’ outpouring of grief for Prince Philip signals a shift in the monarchy’s approach to emotion, according to a royal expert.  While a tear rolled down Prince Charles’ cheek during his father Prince Philip’s funeral on Saturday afternoon as he followed the Duke of Edinburgh’s coffin, Her Majesty looked grief-stricken and bowed her head in … Read more

SARAH VINE: Kate, a class act who can be the monarchy’s rock 

As Shakespeare said, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em. Prince Philip was in a sense all three, a man born into the Greek royal family yet denied his birthright; someone who had to work hard to carve out his status in life; and a man who ended … Read more

SARAH VINE: Kate, a class act who can be the monarchy’s rock 

As Shakespeare said, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em. Prince Philip was in a sense all three, a man born into the Greek royal family yet denied his birthright; someone who had to work hard to carve out his status in life; and a man who ended … Read more