Social media firms are ‘failing to tackle anti-vaxxer myths’ despite promising a crackdown

Social media firms are failing to tackle anti-vaxxer myths despite promising a crackdown, experts claim Facebook, Twitter and Google pledged to tackle vaccine disinformation – and take down content more quickly – after pressure from Government last year Experts claim many anti-vaxxer accounts remain on the sites and are exploiting the latest questions over side … Read more

Busting Covid myths: Why those Covid temperature tests aren’t just pointless – they’re dangerous

The anticipation is palpable. In just over a fortnight, Britain will begin to spring back to life. Pub gardens will bustle and the pavements outside restaurants will be transformed for continental-style alfresco dining. Gyms will throw open their doors, hairdressers will be ready to get to work on the nation’s lockdown locks. And, as Chancellor Rishi … Read more

People who use homeopathy are more likely to fall for Covid-19 vaccine myths

Don’t be fooled! People who use homeopathy and alternative medicines are more likely to fall for Covid-19 conspiracy theories Researchers showed 24 Facebook and Twitter posts to 1,020 Americans  Was an equal number of correct and falsified posts for each three medical topics  Examples of fake stories included that marijuana and ginger cures cancer  Research … Read more

Fascinating book Phantom Atlas reveals the myths, lies and blunders on maps throughout the ages

Australia had a vast inland sea, California was an island – along with Korea – and bizarre and terrifying sea creatures populated the oceans.  Welcome to the cartography of yesteryear, when maps were informed not just by mathematics and exploration, but also by huge dollops of folklore and imaginative speculation – as fascinating book The … Read more

Five consumer rights myths busted: Why most of what you thought you knew about your rights is wrong

Whenever you purchase an item, whether that be online or in store, you will automatically be protected by consumer rights. These rights, which are enshrined in law, will ensure you will be covered when you buy goods and services should anything go wrong.  Knowing these rights is incredibly important and many consumers may think are … Read more

Locum GP is among those peddling dangerous anti-vaxx myths 

A locum GP is amongst a group of healthcare workers that have been peddling anti-vaxx myths as scientists continue to search for a coronavirus vaccine.  Doctors are among those raising doubts about inoculations, especially in the fight against coronavirus. But on a visit to a GP surgery in east London the Prime Minister spoke of … Read more

Locum GP is among those peddling dangerous anti-vaxx myths 

A locum GP is amongst a group of healthcare workers that have been peddling anti-vaxx myths as scientists continue to search for a coronavirus vaccine.  Doctors are among those raising doubts about inoculations, especially in the fight against coronavirus. But on a visit to a GP surgery in east London the Prime Minister spoke of … Read more

Cynical skincare myths every woman MUST read from Caroline Hirons’ best-selling beauty bible

A new beauty bible from a straight-talking skincare blogger who can help products sell out in hours is on track to become the best-selling beauty book this century, having reached the top spot in the book charts — the first fashion/beauty title to do so in 18 years.  Here, in an illuminating extract from Skincare: … Read more

Biochemist Dr Libby Weaver busts the six biggest myths around energy – and you might be surprised 

A leading biochemist has busted the biggest myths around energy – including whether you really need coffee to function in the morning and if you can catch up on lost sleep at the weekends. Australian expert Dr Libby Weaver said there are many nutritional, biochemical and emotional processes that contribute to whether or not we … Read more