Gut health doctor Megan Rossi busts the biggest ‘immunity-boosting’ myths around coronavirus 

1. Dates A great source of prebiotics — specific kinds of fibres that feed beneficial bacteria in our gut. The potential health benefits of prebiotics are vast, from improving blood-sugar control and appetite regulation to supporting bone and skin health. 2. Flaxseeds Like red wine, flaxseeds are an excellent source of polyphenols, plant chemicals mostly … Read more

Gut health doctor Megan Rossi busts the biggest ‘immunity-boosting’ myths around coronavirus 

1. Dates A great source of prebiotics — specific kinds of fibres that feed beneficial bacteria in our gut. The potential health benefits of prebiotics are vast, from improving blood-sugar control and appetite regulation to supporting bone and skin health. 2. Flaxseeds Like red wine, flaxseeds are an excellent source of polyphenols, plant chemicals mostly … Read more

Silver isn’t a cure for coronavirus: Doctor debunks myths about the diseae

As coronavirus continues to spread across the US, myths and misinformation seem to run abound. So far, there are more than 5,200 confirmed cases in America and 94 people have died. Many have been preaching online and on social media about how to best protect yourself, including that masks are the best defense while others … Read more

Debunking work from home myths with employees telecommuting during coronavirus epidemic

A new report from the all-remote GitLab reveals the most common mistakes made when transitioning workers from in-office to telecommuting. The coronavirus could make remote work the norm, what businesses need to know The coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak could be the catalyst for a dramatic increase in telecommuting. Enterprises should prepare for an increase in remote … Read more

Phishing: Leading targets, breaking myths, and educating users

Vade Secure’s Adrien Gendre explains why the end user is an important link in the security chain. Phishing: Leading targets, breaking myths, and educating users Vade Secure’s Adrien Gendre explains why the end user is an important link in the security chain. TechRepublic reporter Veronica Combs interviewed Adrien Gendre, chief solutions architect at Vade Secure, … Read more