Paraglider, 53, died as he hit turbulence and plunged to his death at Lake District beauty spot

An experienced paraglider died after hitting turbulence while traveling 350 feet in the air above the Peak District. Timothy Ogden, 53, went into an ‘unrecoverable spin’ and started to freefall at 200 feet when his chute ‘collapsed’ during a sudden change in wind direction above Windy Knoll near Castleton, Derbyshire. Chesterfield Coroner’s Court heard he … Read more

Paraglider, 53, died as he hit turbulence and plunged to his death at Lake District beauty spot

An experienced paraglider died after hitting turbulence while traveling 350 feet in the air above the Peak District. Timothy Ogden, 53, went into an ‘unrecoverable spin’ and started to freefall at 200 feet when his chute ‘collapsed’ during a sudden change in wind direction above Windy Knoll near Castleton, Derbyshire. Chesterfield Coroner’s Court heard he … Read more

GPs are told to screen patients online as ‘total triage’ continues even after lockdown

Patients should be remotely screened before being directed to the most appropriate health service for their problem, new NHS guidance says. Doctors are being told the system of ‘total triage’ must be embedded into general practice, despite the Royal College of GPs’ reservations. The method was brought in during the pandemic and sees a person checked … Read more

Britain’s cases rise week-on-week for seventh day in row amid spread of Indian variant

Real name: B.1.617 — now divided into B.1.617.1, B.1.617.2 and B.1.617.3 When and where was it discovered?  The variant was first reported by the Indian government in February 2021 but the first cases appear to date back to October 2020.  Its presence in the UK was first announced by Public Health England on April 15. There … Read more

Covid England: Vaccine drive will open up to under-40s TOMORROW

The coronavirus vaccine programme in England will open up to people under the age of 40 for the first time tomorrow. An NHS Digital bulletin showed those aged 38 and 39 will be invited to come forward for their jab from Thursday morning. They will be offered either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine on the … Read more

BRITs viewers praise Dua Lipa’s NHS pay rise speech

The BRIT Awards returned on Tuesday night for a music extravaganza following three months of delays amid the coronavirus pandemic.  And while The O2 seated a 4,000 strong audience for the ceremony, ITV ratings released on Wednesday have revealed viewing figures have plummeted for the fourth year in a row, with 2.9million tuning in – … Read more

George Eustice dismisses Dua Lipa’s call for NHS pay rise

Cabinet minister George Eustice dismisses Dua Lipa’s Brit Awards demand for a ‘fair pay rise’ for NHS workers as he defends proposed one per cent increase and says ‘there’s been a pay freeze for most of the public sector’ Dua Lipa used a speech at the Brit Awards to call for a ‘fair pay rise’ … Read more

‘Nightingale effect’ drives NHS recruitment boom: Thousands take up jobs inspired by nurses

Employing more hospital nurses cuts deaths and saves twice as much money as it costs, a study reveals.  The odds of dying or being readmitted to hospital fell by 7 per cent for every fewer patient a nurse had under their care.  The smaller workload also led to a 3 per cent reduction in the … Read more

SIR ANDREW DILNOT: Boris Johnson cannot duck care cost crisis any longer

The moral strength of a society can be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. In most respects Britain does well on that measure, as reflected by the NHS, education and the benefits system, where essential needs are met collectively by the state. But there is one glaring omission: namely, social care. Despite … Read more

Vaccine passport will be on the NHS app from NEXT WEEK

Vaccine passport will be on the NHS app from NEXT WEEK so tourists can prove they have received two jabs on arrival at holiday hotspots Those vaccinated can use NHS app as vaccine passport from Monday Once foreign travel ban is lifted, those travelling can prove they’ve had 2 doses Those without smartphones are being … Read more