DAVID BLUNKETT slams government coronavirus briefings for ‘offering scant new information’

We all understand why the Government’s daily briefings are necessary – both to give the latest news and to reinforce key public safety messages.  However, I am beginning to feel their purpose has got lost.  They are becoming little more than a daily Sermon on the Mount, offering scant new information and, worse, often delivering … Read more

My ex is offering me a fifth of his pension in the divorce – is that fair?

I’m divorcing after 26 years of marriage. My husband is 73 and I’m 61.  He has a high value company pension and I have a small company pension due to part-time working to bring up the children. We have been separated almost three years now and I live with a new partner. He has agreed … Read more

Baby, 6-months-old and woman, 102, survive coronavirus in Italy offering hope to their age groups

Two people at each end of the age spectrum have become beacons of hope in Northern Italy, ground-zero for the coronavirus in Europe. A 6-month-old baby and a 102-year-old woman have both survived the virus after each faced a long battle in hospital.  Little Leonardo has recently returned home in the municipality of Corbetta in … Read more

Google’s website offering coronavirus test appointments filled up in one day 

Google‘s sister company, which launched a site offering to help patients schedule coronavirus tests, ran out of appointments in just one day. Verily, an online health-information platform run by Google’s parent company Alphabet, launched Project Baseline on Monday. The site was only available to residents aged 18 or older in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties … Read more

Fancy a cruise for half price? The top firms are offering CRAZY DEALS!

Cruise lines keen to attract passengers in the face of the coronavirus outbreak are introducing a tempting package of offers to entice them on board.  The spread of the virus has led to port closures and itinerary changes as well as on-board restrictions and even, in extreme cases, entire ships being quarantined, leaving many reluctant … Read more