GUY ADAMS: Why on earth are Ofqual’s CEO and chairman still in a job today? 

An instructive tale of the perks of life on the clattering government-quango gravy train was shared by Ofqual’s head honcho Sally Collier a few years back.  In an interview to mark her first 12 months as Chief Regulator of the powerful organisation, she revealed that, despite her £200,000 pay package, she was required to commute … Read more

GUY ADAMS: Why on earth are Ofqual’s CEO and chairman still in a job today? 

An instructive tale of the perks of life on the clattering government-quango gravy train was shared by Ofqual’s head honcho Sally Collier a few years back.  In an interview to mark her first 12 months as Chief Regulator of the powerful organisation, she revealed that, despite her £200,000 pay package, she was required to commute … Read more