Unite union treasurer, 56, bought Jaguar with £1,400 meant to pay for bus worker’s funeral

A Unite trade union branch treasurer bought himself a Jaguar with cash stolen from a £1,400 hardship grant intended for the family of a young bus driver who had died suddenly, a court heard.  John Millard, 52, of Devon Avenue, Cheltenham, abused his position as secretary and treasurer for Unite’s Cheltenham branch, pocketing a total … Read more

Facebook takes on Cameo with a platform that lets users pay celebrities for face time in live clips

Facebook takes on Cameo with a new video platform that lets users pay for face time with celebrities to ask them questions and take selfies during live segments Facebook is working on a video platform that connects fans with celebrities Called Super, users can pay to appear with celebrities during live shows Viewers can buy … Read more

Downing Street defends Dominic Cummings’ pay rise

Downing Street today defended Dominic Cummings’ pay rise of at least £40,000 and insisted his salary was at the ‘correct level’ as it emerged he will not get a pay-out when he formally leaves the Government. Yesterday it was revealed the now former chief adviser to Boris Johnson saw his pay rocket from a salary … Read more

Celebrity social media pushing ‘buy now, pay later’ credit

Insta fan: Claire Menary: who has 34,000 followers, has promoted Klarna  They are the glamorous social media stars with the picture-perfect lifestyles that attract thousands of aspiring young followers. Yet their posts are now being investigated by the advertising watchdog over fears they irresponsibly promoted ‘buy-now, pay-later’ credit as a way to feel better in … Read more

Pinterest to pay $22.5m to settle gender discrimination suit

Pinterest pays $22.5million to settle gender discrimination lawsuit by French executive who said she was paid less than men, left out of decisions and fired for speaking out Francoise Brougher accused Pinterest of overseeing a hostile work environment She filed the lawsuit earlier this year after being fired as chief operating officer  Pinterest will pay … Read more

Litter ‘Stasi’ forces 82-year-old granny to pay £100 for a bit of tissue that fell from her bag

Litter wardens have sparked fury in a Royal borough for using ‘Stasi-like’ tactics to rack up fines by targeting innocent residents. Patrollers in Windsor slapped an 82-year-old with a £100 fine after a piece of tissue fell from her handbag as she rummaged for her keys. The privately hired snoopers – who have been dubbed … Read more

Campaigners call for Tory MP to pay reparations over slave deaths at his ancestor’s plantation

Independent MP William Wilberforce wrote the Slave Trade Act in 1807 which abolished the industry across the British Empire. It was enacted in 1833 The transatlantic slave trade was launched by Portuguese traders with the construction of sub-Saharan Africa’s first permanent slave trading post at Elmina in 1492. But it soon passed into Dutch then … Read more

Campaigners call for Tory MP to pay reparations over slave deaths at his ancestor’s plantation

Independent MP William Wilberforce wrote the Slave Trade Act in 1807 which abolished the industry across the British Empire. It was enacted in 1833 The transatlantic slave trade was launched by Portuguese traders with the construction of sub-Saharan Africa’s first permanent slave trading post at Elmina in 1492. But it soon passed into Dutch then … Read more

NHS is forced to pay £1.2 billion in just a year over catastrophic maternity blunders

The NHS agreed to pay damages totalling more than £1billion last year after serious mistakes during childbirth. Figures show 87 obstetrics claims were settled in which devastated families were awarded more than £5million each in compensation and future care costs. The cost of catastrophic errors by medics in the delivery room has tripled over the … Read more