Did claiming working tax credit also earn me credits towards the state pension? 

After working steadily since the age of 16, Judie Jancovich was looking forward to retiring on a full state pension. But she is set to lose about £1,000 a year in retirement income as government guidelines were not properly explained on official forms. The university lecturer, now 64, is among possibly thousands of women whose … Read more

My ex is offering me a fifth of his pension in the divorce – is that fair?

I’m divorcing after 26 years of marriage. My husband is 73 and I’m 61.  He has a high value company pension and I have a small company pension due to part-time working to bring up the children. We have been separated almost three years now and I live with a new partner. He has agreed … Read more

Tesco defies critics to pay £900m in dividends: Boost for pension funds and 220,000 shareholders

Tesco defies critics to pay £900m in dividends: Boost for pension funds and army of 220,000 shareholders By Tom Witherow For The Daily Mail Published: 21:55 BST, 8 April 2020 | Updated: 22:18 BST, 8 April 2020 Tesco offered hard-pressed savers some respite as it pledged to pay a £900m total dividend.  Chief executive Dave … Read more

How to stop the coronavirus from infecting your pension income

The coronavirus has wreaked havoc with the stock market, pensions and interest rates. Younger savers will have decades to recoup losses, but those close to retirement face tough decisions. So what should you do if you were hoping retire soon and do not have a final salary pension to bank on? Money Mail has asked … Read more

Child benefit claims plummet, meaning more parents lose state pension credits

The number of families claiming child benefit has plunged by 44,000 to 7.28million over a year, putting more parents at risk of a poorer old age. Parents – mostly mums – can end up tens of thousands of pounds worse off in retirement because not claiming deprives them of valuable credits towards their state pension. … Read more

Two married women get payouts totalling £14k after state pension blunder

Jean Hayes and her husband Richard: ‘Thrilled’ to get £9,000 payment from DWP Two elderly women have received around £9,000 and £5,000 in state pension payments they missed out on due to a government blunder. Many more retired women could be in line for payouts worth thousands of pounds, plus interest, if the administrative error … Read more

Dividends are vanishing, but you CAN protect your pension

Pensioners who rely on dividend payments from investments face a hefty loss of income this year as companies slash and delay payments.  Following the closure of millions of businesses due to the coronavirus, many firms are looking to do all they can to hang on to cash reserves to help them through the difficult time … Read more

Should I use my Lifetime Isa as a supplementary pension?

I‘ve heard that the Lifetime Isa is a bad way of saving for a pension. I’m 27 and hold a stocks and shares Lifetime Isa with Nutmeg, and I haven’t even considered whether there are legalities around what age I can take my private pension, something I haven’t needed to think about yet. Assuming I … Read more

Will I inherit any of my terminally ill husband’s state pension?

Will I inherit any of my terminally ill husband’s state pension when he dies? Steve Webb replies By Steve Webb for This Is Money Published: 07:36 BST, 30 March 2020 | Updated: 07:36 BST, 30 March 2020 I receive £150 state pension in my own right. My husband is terminally ill now. Will I receive … Read more