Nigel Farage quits politics saying vaccines drive proves Brexit works

Nigel Farage today vowed he will not reverse his decision to quit politics for good, saying the UK vaccines drive is ‘proof positive’ that Brexit has worked. The 56-year-old insisted he ‘wants his life back’ after nearly three decades of campaigning to cut ties with Brussels – insisting he is amazed he has ‘stayed sane’ amid … Read more

Meghan and Harry interview: Jessica Mulroney defends actress amid ‘pressure and politics’

Meghan Markle’s best friend Jessica Mulroney has come out in support of the Duchess of Sussex ahead of the broadcast of her bombshell CBS interview with chatshow legend Oprah Winfrey. The Canadian stylist, 41, said no one ‘has ever had to deal with the pressure, the politics and the press’ like Meghan in an Instagram post. … Read more

Church of England needs to become more involved in politics, Archbishop of York says 

Church of England needs to become MORE involved in politics to avoid losing focus on how to improve the world, Archbishop of York says Archbishop of York said Church of England should be more involved in politics The Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell said that political life had ‘shrunk’ and that the Church should supply ‘vision’ … Read more

Church of England needs to become more involved in politics, Archbishop of York says 

Church of England needs to become MORE involved in politics to avoid losing focus on how to improve the world, Archbishop of York says Archbishop of York said Church of England should be more involved in politics The Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell said that political life had ‘shrunk’ and that the Church should supply ‘vision’ … Read more

News Headlines | Today’s UK & World News

The coronavirus R rate in England is definitely below one for the first time since July, No10’s top advisers revealed today as a raft of data offered yet more proof that the second wave is firmly in retreat. SAGE experts said they believe the R rate – the number of people each person with Covid … Read more

This Morning’s Eamonn Holmes ‘told pals he was sick of office politics’

Eamonn Holmes reportedly told friends he was ‘sick of office politics’ ahead of his final Friday hosting stint with his wife Ruth Langsford on This Morning. The TV presenter, 60, made a thinly-veiled dig during the show as he compared the couple to an unwanted Christmas tree, which appeared to be a reflection of his … Read more

How politics can slice half an hour off Christmas lunch as families row

How politics can slice half an hour off Christmas lunch as families row but meals last longer if they agree on the issues of the day Rowing over the issues of the day slashes the time families spend at the table But if diners agree politically, meals last longer, researchers revealed yesterday Psychologists at University … Read more

Jacob Rees-Mogg accuses Unicef of ‘playing politics’

Jacob Rees-Mogg accuses Unicef of ‘playing politics’ after it backs a programme to feed hungry children in BRITAIN Unicef provided £25,000 of funding for a scheme to help hungry UK children First time ever the UN agency has launched an emergency response within UK But Jacob Rees-Mogg slammed move and accused Unicef of ‘playing politics’  … Read more

Jacob Rees-Mogg accuses Unicef of ‘playing politics’

Jacob Rees-Mogg accuses Unicef of ‘playing politics’ after it backs a programme to feed hungry children in the UK as the Commons Leader claims the UN agency ‘should be ashamed of itself’ Unicef provided £25,000 of funding for a scheme to help hungry UK children First time ever the UN agency has launched an emergency … Read more

Keir Starmer accused of ‘playing politics’ after he orders Labour to ABSTAIN in Covid Tiers vote

Keir Starmer warned Boris Johnson there were ‘real risks’ his new tiers plan to follow the lockdown would not work to half the spread of coronavirus today. The Opposition Leader tore into the Prime Minister in the Commons ahead of tonight’s vote to approve the stiffened system when lockdown ends at midnight.   Labour will abstain … Read more