Bam Margera reveals laundry list of drugs prescribed in rehab which led to ‘suicidal tendencies’

Bam Margera reveals laundry list of drugs prescribed in rehab which he believes led to ‘suicidal tendencies’… after he was fired from Jackass 4 By Tracy Wright For Published: 17:19 BST, 2 April 2021 | Updated: 17:19 BST, 2 April 2021 Bam Margera detailed a host of medications prescribed during his latest stint in … Read more

Antidepressants could be prescribed by GPs as the new weapon in the war on Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Antidepressants could soon be prescribed routinely by GPs to treat the UK’s most common bowel condition. Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, affects nine million Britons, causing agonising pain, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation – with few effective treatments available. Now, hundreds of GPs will offer a low dose of mood-boosting drugs to patients, as part of a … Read more

Grandfather died after pharmacy prescribed him TEN times usual pain medication dose, inquest hears

Nicolas Eaton (pictured), from Hailsham, East Sussex, was found dead at home by one of his sons in November last year A grandfather died after a pharmacy perscription told him to take ten times the appropriate amount of pain medication, an inquest heard.  Nicholas Eaton had been placed on methadone in addition to his regular medication … Read more

Painkillers ‘should not be prescribed for chronic pain’

Painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can do ‘more harm than good’ and should not be prescribed to treat chronic pain, health officials have said. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence claims that there is ‘little or no evidence’ the drugs, as well as aspirin and opioids, work.   But in draft guidance, published on … Read more

Hydroxychloroquine prescribed to 300,000 more patients than usual after Trump endorsement

Prescriptions for two anti-malaria drugs to treat the novel coronavirus soared by hundreds of thousands in March, a new study suggests. Typically, only about 380,000 people are prescribed hydroxychloroquine and its analog chloroquine to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. However, in March, President Donald Trump hailed the drug, which also is used to treat arthritis … Read more

Doctors call for oxygen monitors to be prescribed to most vulnerable

Doctors have launched a campaign calling for home devices that measure blood oxygen levels to be available on prescription. They act as an early warning system for people at increased risk of a ‘silent pneumonia’ death due to coronavirus. They want the matchbox-sized gadgets, known as pulse oximeters, to be given to those in most … Read more

Doctors call for oxygen monitors to be prescribed to most vulnerable

Doctors have launched a campaign calling for home devices that measure blood oxygen levels to be available on prescription. They act as an early warning system for people at increased risk of a ‘silent pneumonia’ death due to coronavirus. They want the matchbox-sized gadgets, known as pulse oximeters, to be given to those in most … Read more

Medicine prescribed for SCABIES stops the coronavirus replicating in cells within 48 hours

A drug prescribed for scabies has been shown to stops the coronavirus in its tracks and may help fight the infection, according to a study.  Ivermectin is used on the NHS and in the US for parasitic infections – but researchers in Australia believe it could be useful against COVID-19. Tests showed the drug reduced … Read more