Google Glass-like device could help prevent Alzheimer’s by stimulating the sense of smell

Google Glass-like device could help prevent Alzheimer’s by sending electronic pulses through the skin to stimulate the nervous system and sense of smell A wearable that straps around the head could ease or reverse Alzheimer’s  The device is fitted with six electrodes along the forehead, nose and ears It sends electrical pulses through the skin … Read more

Millions of ‘mutant covid zombie minks’ will be dug up and burned to prevent pollution in Denmark

Millions of mink will be dug up from mass graves and burned in waste incinerators in Denmark after some resurfaced, prompting complaints from residents about possible health and environmental risks, the country’s government said. Denmark’s entire herd of some 17 million mink destined for the high-end fashion industry was ordered to be culled in early … Read more

Banks told to do more to prevent customers from being scammed

Britain’s biggest high street banks are still failing to provide proper warnings to customers about the risks of losing money in transfer scams, a review has found. Nine banks which signed up to an industry code introduced in May last year are required to provide customers with ‘effective warnings’ so they can protect themselves from … Read more

Inhalers will be given to at-risk Covid patients to prevent hospitalisation

Inhalers will be given to at-risk Covid patients as part of major UK trial to see if a steroid used to treat asthma can prevent hospitalisation The steroid, called budesonide, is being added to the Principle trial  Trial aims to find drugs that stop mild cases in at-risk patients deteriorating Budesonide is used in inhalers and … Read more

Black Friday: How to spot scams and prevent being a victim

This time next week, the biggest shopping event of the year will see people looking to take advantage of Black Friday flash sales.  More people will be online shopping than ever before with sales expected to increase a third this year, according to Adobe Analytics, thanks to the ongoing pandemic.  However, shoppers have been warned … Read more

Instagram model Jadé Tuncdoruk undergoes procedure to prevent cervical cancer

Instagram model Jadé Tuncdoruk undergoes a medical procedure to remove abnormal cells on her cervix to prevent cervical cancer By Zoe Burrell For Daily Mail Australia Published: 03:11 GMT, 19 November 2020 | Updated: 03:15 GMT, 19 November 2020 Instagram model Jadé Tuncdoruk has undergone a medical procedure to remove abnormal cells on her cervix … Read more

Saving tropical swamps could help prevent future pandemics

Saving tropical swamps could help prevent future pandemics by reducing the likelihood of diseases jumping from animals to humans, study finds Peatlands are high in biodiversity are suffering severe habitat loss currently  Researchers say these factors create a perfect storm for zoonotic transmission   This describes the ability of a pathogen to jump from one species … Read more

Experimental thyroid hormone treatment could prevent lung failure in COVID-19 patients

An experimental thyroid hormone treatment could block lung failure and speed up recovery in patients with severe cases of coronavirus, new research suggests. Scientists say those in respiratory distress, often lack T3, which reduces inflammation and plays a role in cells along the lining of the lungs absorbing fluids  To see if it would work … Read more

Coronavirus: Three FDA-approved drugs prevent infection in mice test

Three drugs already in circulation have been found to be effective at preventing infection of human cells by the coronavirus, research published today reveals. Experiments on lab-grown mini-lungs implanted in mice looked at which pre-existing drugs stop SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, infiltrating human cells.  It revealed drugs called imatinib, mycophenolic acid (MPA) and … Read more

Coronavirus: Three FDA-approved drugs prevent infection in mice test

Three drugs already in circulation have been found to be effective at preventing infection of human cells by the coronavirus, research published today reveals. Experiments on lab-grown mini-lungs implanted in mice looked at which pre-existing drugs stop SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, infiltrating human cells.  It revealed drugs called imatinib, mycophenolic acid (MPA) and … Read more