Covid US: Joe Biden promises ‘wartime effort’ to get vaccine to 100m

President Joe Biden on Thursday called for the nation to summon a ‘full scale war-time effort’ to beat back the coronavirus – but snapped when questioned about the ambition of his new 100 million-shot goal.  Biden made the revealing comment as he signed new executive orders to speed vaccine delivery and called wearing a mask a … Read more

Trump promises to lift flight restrictions for UK travellers – but Biden says: ‘It ain’t happening’

Donald Trump promises to lift flight restrictions for travellers from the UK next week – but it takes Joe Biden just minutes to say: ‘It ain’t happening’ Joe Biden dashed Donald Trump’s plan to lift UK travel ban from January 26   US imposed restrictions on UK travellers in mid-March to contain pandemic President-elect Biden said: … Read more

TYRONE BRENNAND reveals his expert plan and promises: Yes you can lose two stone by spring

So how’s your lockdown going then? After a year of enforced inactivity for many of us, with gyms and swimming pools off-limits, it’s no wonder we’re feeling the pinch of waistbands. Almost half of us put on weight during the first lockdown and few will have lost it since. Winter always means we move less … Read more

TYRONE BRENNAND reveals his expert plan and promises: Yes you can lose two stone by spring

So how’s your lockdown going then? After a year of enforced inactivity for many of us, with gyms and swimming pools off-limits, it’s no wonder we’re feeling the pinch of waistbands. Almost half of us put on weight during the first lockdown and few will have lost it since. Winter always means we move less … Read more

Smart cannabis vape device promises the ‘perfect high’ by allowing users to customizes doses

Smart cannabis vape device promises the ‘perfect high’ by allowing users to customizes doses via an app and notifying them through vibrations when they should stop inhaling Mode showcased its flagship product at the Consumer Electronics Show It is a smart cannabis dosing system to help regulate cannabis intake The vape has sensors to know … Read more

Prince of Wales calls on world businesses to help right ‘broken green promises’ in new eco drive

Charles’s £7bn Earth Charter: Prince of Wales calls on world businesses to help right ‘broken green promises’ in new eco drive Prince of Wales will launch recovery plan to help right  ‘broken green promises’ A senior royal source said the prince sees the charter as a ‘pivotal moment’ Those to sign up include Bank of America, … Read more

Prince of Wales calls on world businesses to help right ‘broken green promises’ in new eco drive

Charles’s £7bn Earth Charter: Prince of Wales calls on world businesses to help right ‘broken green promises’ in new eco drive Prince of Wales will launch recovery plan to help right  ‘broken green promises’ A senior royal source said the prince sees the charter as a ‘pivotal moment’ Those to sign up include Bank of America, … Read more

Macron says Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’

Macron says Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’ in annual address delivered hours after his father denounced him as a ‘self-serving’ politician Emmanuel Macron has told how Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’   Macron questioned the strength of Britain’s sovereignty following its departure His father Jean-Michel Macron, 70, spoke publicly … Read more

Macron says Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’

Macron says Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’ in annual address delivered hours after his father denounced him as a ‘self-serving’ politician Emmanuel Macron has told how Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’   Macron questioned the strength of Britain’s sovereignty following its departure His father Jean-Michel Macron, 70, spoke publicly … Read more

Biden promises 100 million vaccines in his first 100 days and pleads for 100 days of mask-wearing

Joe Biden vowed Tuesday that he would get 100 million coronavirus vaccines distributed to Americans within his first 100 days in office, claiming he will make it a requirement to wear a mask for those 100 days anywhere he can legally order it. ‘This team will help get at the latest – at the last … Read more