Dinosaurs: Pterosaurs had ‘ridiculously long’ necks but could FLY carrying heavy prey, study finds

Massive dinosaurs with ‘ridiculously long necks’ were able to take to the sky and carry large prey while flying due to spoked vertebrae, according to a new study. Pterosaurs, gigantic flying reptiles with impressive wingspans of up to 39ft, lived between 225 million years ago and 66 million years ago and had a massive neck. … Read more

Learning more about pterosaurs could help in designing more efficient drones 

Studying flying reptiles called pterosaurs that lived 200 million years ago could help engineers develop a new generation of ‘super drones’ with better stability.  The prehistoric reptiles that soared above the dinosaurs are the biggest animals ever to take to the air and they ruled the skies for 160 million years. Despite their aeronautic excellence, … Read more