Coronavirus could be STOPPED if 70% of the public wore face masks, study suggests

Coronavirus could be ‘eradicated’ if 70% of people wore surgical or N95 masks in public – but cloth masks may not be enough to end the pandemic, study claims Researchers looked at three types of face masks: N95s, surgical masks and cloth masks   They found N95s were best for filtering out aerosol-sized droplets, which can … Read more

Number 10 used apocalyptic Covid-19 graphs to ‘frighten’ public into lockdown, top statistician

Eminent statistician Sir David Spiegelhalter suggested Number 10 ‘frightened’ the public into complying with lockdown rules Number 10 cherry-picked ‘spurious’ coronavirus data to justify England’s second lockdown and may have intended to frightened the public, according to one of Britain’s top experts. Eminent statistician Sir David Spiegelhalter said ministers had ‘broken pretty much every code of … Read more

Major probe reveals public sector squanders £5.6bn of your cash 

A shocking waste of billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money is exposed by the Mail today. A major investigation has found that £5.6 billion in public cash has been frittered away on luxuries, feathering Whitehall mandarins’ nests and a wide range of jaw-dropping projects. It comes as Chancellor Rishi Sunak prepares to set out a … Read more

Major probe reveals public sector squanders £5.6bn of your cash 

A shocking waste of billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money is exposed by the Mail today. A major investigation has found that £5.6 billion in public cash has been frittered away on luxuries, feathering Whitehall mandarins’ nests and a wide range of jaw-dropping projects. It comes as Chancellor Rishi Sunak prepares to set out a … Read more

TUC chief refuses to rule out wave of union-backed STRIKES if Rishi Sunak freezes public sector pay

Britain could be hit by a wave of strike action if Rishi Sunak goes ahead with a public sector pay freeze, a senior trade union leader warned today. Frances O’Grady, the TUC president, lashed out at reports suggesting that only doctors and nurses will escape a throttling of pay as the Government seeks to balance … Read more

TUC chief refuses to rule out wave of union-backed STRIKES if Rishi Sunak freezes public sector pay

Britain could be hit by a wave of strike action if Rishi Sunak goes ahead with a public sector pay freeze, a senior trade union leader warned today. Frances O’Grady, the TUC president, lashed out at reports suggesting that only doctors and nurses will escape a throttling of pay as the Government seeks to balance … Read more

Many of the stately homes we love to visit are in crisis as public tours are banned

Noel Coward may have sung ‘The stately homes of England, how beautiful they stand, to prove the upper classes have still the upper hand’ – but that was in 1938, and today they are yet another casualty of coronavirus. While the landed owners of such magnificent historic piles might not receive – nor expect – … Read more

Many of the stately homes we love to visit are in crisis as public tours are banned

Noel Coward may have sung ‘The stately homes of England, how beautiful they stand, to prove the upper classes have still the upper hand’ – but that was in 1938, and today they are yet another casualty of coronavirus. While the landed owners of such magnificent historic piles might not receive – nor expect – … Read more

Public sector cuts: Boris Johnson teachers’ pay rise pledge in doubt

Boris Johnson’s election pledge to pay newly qualified teachers £30,000 is in doubt despite unions threatening industrial action and warning of an ‘exodus’ from the profession. Rishi Sunak is preparing a ‘pay restraint’ across the public sector, despite the £6,000 pay rise being a key policy in the 2019 Tory manifesto. Johnson had pledged to … Read more

Public sector cuts: Boris Johnson teachers’ pay rise pledge in doubt

Boris Johnson’s election pledge to pay newly qualified teachers £30,000 is in doubt despite unions threatening industrial action and warning of an ‘exodus’ from the profession. Rishi Sunak is preparing a ‘pay restraint’ across the public sector, despite the £6,000 pay rise being a key policy in the 2019 Tory manifesto. Johnson had pledged to … Read more