Vladimir Putin has formed ‘special force’ and says he is ready to intervene in Belarus

Vladimir Putin forms elite ‘spec ops force’ to intervene in Belarus if protests ‘get out of control’ Vladimir Putin said is he will intervene in Belarus if protests ‘get out of control’   He confirmed Russia has created a reserve police force to send to the country Added that move would honour joint defence pact Russia … Read more

Putin critic Alexei Navalny is being kept under armed guard at German hospital

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned, tests carried out by German doctors have indicated. In a statement Berlin’s Charite hospital, where he is being kept under armed guard, said Navalny had fallen ill from a cholinesterase inhibitor and that its effectiveness has been ‘proven several times and in independent laboratories’. ‘The outcome of the … Read more

Putin critic Alexei Navalny is being kept under armed guard at German hospital

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned, tests carried out by German doctors have indicated. He is being kept under armed guard at The Charite hospital in Berlin, where he is receiving treatment.  Angela Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert told a press conference this morning that is was ‘fairly likely’ the politician had been poisoned. ‘It … Read more

‘Poisoned’ Putin critic Alexei Navalny is flown out of Russia for emergency care in Germany

A plane carrying Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny who is in a coma after a suspected poisoning left for a German hospital on Saturday. Images taken from the tarmac of an airport in the Siberian city of Omsk show Navalny being lifted into a private air ambulance – which was chartered to to fly him to … Read more

‘Poisoned’ Putin critic Alexei Navalny is flown out of Russia for emergency care in Germany

A plane carrying Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny who is in a coma after a suspected poisoning left for a German hospital on Saturday. Images taken from the tarmac of an airport in the Siberian city of Omsk show Navalny being lifted into a private air ambulance – which was chartered to to fly him to … Read more

MARK ALMOND on the ‘poisioning’ of Putin critic Alexei Navalny

The nondescript cafe is where Alexei Navalny, the main opposition leader and Putin’s most vociferous critic, sipped a cup of tea before boarding a flight back to Moscow yesterday Tomsk, one of the oldest cities in remote Siberia, rarely makes headlines in Russia – let alone around the world. Not any more. For the Vienna … Read more

Leading Putin foe Alexei Navalny ‘is poisoned’ and rushed to hospital

Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin’s arch-rival and critics, has been rushed to hospital after apparently being poisoned. The lawyer and anti-corruption campaigner fell ill on a flight from Tomsk to Moscow, forcing the plane to make an emergency landing in the Siberian city of Omsk. Video shows the unconscious Navalny being stretchered from the aircraft into … Read more

Leading Putin foe Alexei Navalny ‘is poisoned’ and rushed to hospital

Leading Putin foe Alexei Navalny ‘is poisoned’ and rushed unconscious from plane in a ‘grave’ condition after ‘toxin was poured into his tea’ Alexei Navalny, Putin’s arch political rival and critic, has been rushed to hospital  His press secretary claimed he was poisoned with a chemical put into his tea  Navalny, 44, was taken unconscious … Read more

Donald Trump’s fawning letters with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin revealed

The explosive Senate Intelligence Committee report released Tuesday contains images of correspondence between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin where the future president seeks to ingratiate himself with the Russian strongman and touts the ‘beautiful women’ at the Miss Universe pageant. The images contain hand-written all-caps inscriptions in Trump’s familiar hand, at a time when the … Read more

Donald Trump’s fawning letters with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin revealed

The explosive Senate Intelligence Committee report released Tuesday contains images of correspondence between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin where the future president seeks to ingratiate himself with the Russian strongman and touts the ‘beautiful women’ at the Miss Universe pageant. The images contain hand-written all-caps inscriptions in Trump’s familiar hand, at a time when the … Read more