‘Nightingale effect’ drives NHS recruitment boom: Thousands take up jobs inspired by nurses

Employing more hospital nurses cuts deaths and saves twice as much money as it costs, a study reveals.  The odds of dying or being readmitted to hospital fell by 7 per cent for every fewer patient a nurse had under their care.  The smaller workload also led to a 3 per cent reduction in the … Read more

The CIA’s woke recruitment video gets panned

The CIA’s woke recruitment video gets panned: Recruit describes herself as ‘intersectional cisgender millennial’ diagnosed with ‘generalized anxiety disorder’ in clip ridiculed online The CIA officer, who is not named, 36, tells viewers she is ‘unapologetically me’ The clip has sparked a fierce reaction online with users labelling it ‘woke’  Donald Trump Jr. shared the … Read more

The CIA’s woke recruitment video gets panned

The CIA’s woke recruitment video gets panned: Recruit describes herself as ‘intersectional cisgender millennial’ diagnosed with ‘generalized anxiety disorder’ in clip ridiculed online The CIA officer, who is not named, 36, tells viewers she is ‘unapologetically me’ The clip has sparked a fierce reaction online with users labelling it ‘woke’  Donald Trump Jr. shared the … Read more

Recruitment firm PageGroup cuts over 1,000 positions

Recruiter PageGroup cuts over 1,000 staff as the pandemic’s impact on job market causes 89 per cent dive in profits Brexit-related uncertainty also caused a 40 per cent slump in its UK gross profits PageGroup said most job cuts affected those with little recruitment experience The firm’s CEO warned that a ‘high degree’ of economic … Read more

Boris Johnson vows to swell ranks of public sector staff after hailing recruitment of 6,000 doctors

Boris Johnson vows to swell the ranks of key public sector staff after hailing recruitment of 6,000 doctors and 13,000 nurses to NHS in 2020 Prime Minister has ‘unwavering’ commitment to employ more public workers Mr Johnson called for those looking for jobs or a career change to consider   He said he wanted to spearhead … Read more

Boris Johnson vows to swell ranks of public sector staff after hailing recruitment of 6,000 doctors

Boris Johnson vows to swell the ranks of key public sector staff after hailing recruitment of 6,000 doctors and 13,000 nurses to NHS in 2020 Prime Minister has ‘unwavering’ commitment to employ more public workers Mr Johnson called for those looking for jobs or a career change to consider   He said he wanted to spearhead … Read more

Office manager, 33, stole £7,700 from recruitment firm in timesheet scam to fund her cocaine habit

A drug addict office manager who stole £7,700 from her boss in a timesheet scam was spared jail because a judge said he didn’t want to separate her from her ten-month-old child. Heather McCarthy, 33, stole the funds from recruitment company Paragon Meed in Bury, Greater Manchester, between 2018 and 2019 so she could feed … Read more

Office manager, 33, stole £7,700 from recruitment firm in timesheet scam to fund her cocaine habit

A drug addict office manager who stole £7,700 from her boss in a timesheet scam was spared jail because a judge said he didn’t want to separate her from her ten-month-old child. Heather McCarthy, 33, stole the funds from recruitment company Paragon Meed in Bury, Greater Manchester, between 2018 and 2019 so she could feed … Read more

BBC must look BEYOND Oxbridge: Tim Davie will launch ‘fundamental’ overhaul of recruitment process

JON SOPEL, £245,000-a-year BBC salary: Jon Sopel, 60, is paid up to £245,000 a year in his role as the broadcaster’s North America Editor, covering all aspects of US news including politics, policy and business. But the presenter last year sparked a conflict of interest row after accepting tens of thousands of pounds from the biggest bank … Read more

Recruitment experts reveal the five buzzwords that could cost candidates the job

Calling yourself a ‘workaholic’ who is ‘motivated by change’ and ‘obviously’ eager to take on a ‘challenge’ in an interview could cost hopeful candidates the job, recruitment experts have warned. Competition for jobs is fiercer than ever, with close to a million Australians now unemployed and the labour market expected to remain weak for years, … Read more