Scientists are ‘totally comfortable’ for Boris Johnson to reduce the 2metre rule to 1metre

The two-metre rule is finally set to be relaxed following a significant lowering of the virus alert level. A Government source last night revealed that scientific advisers were now ‘totally comfortable’ with reducing the restriction – provided other precautions are in place. These could include making sure buildings are properly ventilated, greater use of masks … Read more

Scientists are ‘totally comfortable’ for Boris Johnson to reduce the 2metre rule to 1metre

The two-metre rule is finally set to be relaxed following a significant lowering of the virus alert level. A Government source last night revealed that scientific advisers were now ‘totally comfortable’ with reducing the restriction – provided other precautions are in place. These could include making sure buildings are properly ventilated, greater use of masks … Read more

Healthy lifestyle traits may reduce Alzheimer’s disease risk by up to 60 per cent

A combination of different healthy lifestyle habits such as being physically active, not smoking and a high-quality diet can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Researchers from the Rush University Medical Center examined data on nearly 3,000 people from two longitudinal studies run by the National Institute for Aging.  They found that people in the dataset … Read more

Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos can help to reduce the number of seizures in patients with epilepsy

Listening to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos once a day can help to reduce the number of seizures in patients with epilepsy, study shows Researchers from Canada tested the piece on 13 volunteers over three months They then repeated the experiment with a ‘shuffled’ version of the 1781 sonata Only the original composition had the seizure-reducing, … Read more

Protein pill could prevent fat buildup and reduce blood sugar

Scientists have found a protein that prevents fat buildup and reduces blood sugar levels, which could cut soaring obesity rates worldwide.  The protein, named BAM15, acts as an ‘energy uncoupler’ and could be an effective drug for treating obesity and related diseases, US researchers say.  BAM15 makes the mitochondria, the ‘power plants’ of living cells, less efficient, … Read more

Senior Tories demand Boris Johnson reduce two metre social distancing rule

Senior Tory MPs have urged Boris Johnson to reduce the UK’s two metre social distancing rule as they warned failure to do so could risk a wave of redundancies in the hospitality sector.  There is a growing campaign for the existing restriction to be eased to one and a half metres.  This would give pubs, … Read more

Senior Tories demand Boris Johnson reduce two metre social distancing rule

Senior Tory MPs have urged Boris Johnson to reduce the UK’s two metre social distancing rule as they warned failure to do so could risk a wave of redundancies in the hospitality sector.  There is a growing campaign for the existing restriction to be eased to one and a half metres.  This would give pubs, … Read more

Boris Johnson plans to reduce Huawei’s involvement in Britain’s 5G network ‘to zero’

Boris Johnson plans to reduce Huawei’s involvement in Britain’s 5G network ‘to zero by 2023’ in wake of China’s coronavirus ‘cover-up’ Boris Johnson said he wants to reduce China’s involvement in UK infrastructure  Comes after a backlash within the Conservative party over Chinese investment Tory MPs have urged caution over the ‘rushed’ Huawei deal signed … Read more