Care homes can refuse to hire staff or renew contracts of workers who won’t accept the vaccine

Care homes can refuse to hire staff who won’t accept the coronavirus vaccine, the Justice Secretary confirmed today.  Robert Buckland said providers were legally allowed to make vaccination a condition of employment as long as they could provide a ‘clear rationale’.  He added the Government would not enforce ‘no jab, no job’ policies on care … Read more

Dr JOHN LEE: Why should the whole country be held hostage by the one in five who refuse a vaccine?

There has been nothing slapdash about the Government’s presentation this week of the case for keeping us all locked down in an ever-more depressing loop of lockdown extensions. The Prime Minister’s announcement cancelling Christmas last year seemed hasty and ill-prepared. By contrast, the move this week to cancel Easter and keep the economy shut down … Read more

Dr JOHN LEE: Why should the whole country be held hostage by the one in five who refuse a vaccine?

There has been nothing slapdash about the Government’s presentation this week of the case for keeping us all locked down in an ever-more depressing loop of lockdown extensions. The Prime Minister’s announcement cancelling Christmas last year seemed hasty and ill-prepared. By contrast, the move this week to cancel Easter and keep the economy shut down … Read more

One in THREE US military service members refuse COVID-19 vaccine

By the thousands, US service members are refusing or putting off the COVID-19 vaccine as frustrated commanders scramble to knock down internet rumors and find the right pitch that will persuade troops to get the shot. Air Force Major General Jeff Taliaferro, vice director of operations for the Joint Staff, told Congress on Wednesday that … Read more

Ministers again refuse to back proposals aimed at helping disabled trust fund savers

The Government has again refused to publicly back proposals designed to make it easier for the parents of disabled children to access Child Trust Fund savings, as it was warned as much as £107million could be ‘lost’ over the next decade. Responding to questions in the House of Lords on Thursday, justice minister Lord Wolfson … Read more

Men reveal why they REFUSE to date ‘skinny girls’

Men reveal why they REFUSE to date ‘skinny girls’ and prefer women with curves – saying thinner people ‘suck at cuddling’ and ‘just aren’t attractive’ Men from around the world have revealed why they ‘refuse to date skinny girls’  Shared their honest confessions on anonymous secret sharing app Whisper One said ‘they aren’t good at … Read more

Melrose chiefs refuse to appear in Parliament

Melrose chiefs refuse to appear in Parliament: Fury as GKN owners balk at MP probe GKN’s owners were in a standoff with MPs as a cross-party backlash grew against the decision to close its last British automotive plant  Critics accuse Melrose of forcing through cuts despite earlier pledges to make the firm a ‘UK manufacturing … Read more

Home Secretary Priti Patel says she would refuse to take a knee in support of Black Lives Matter

Home Secretary Priti Patel says she would refuse to take a knee in support of Black Lives Matter as she says attacks on statues were ‘dreadful’ and tells protesters ‘there are other ways to have those discussions’ The Home Secretary attacked the demonstrations that swept the globe in 2020 UK demos saw statues of historical … Read more

Hotel quarantine starts on Monday (but ministers refuse to say WHERE people will be staying)

Matt Hancock finally unveiled England’s draconian new quarantine programme for Britons arriving home from Covid hotspots abroad. The long-awaited and much debated scheme will see travellers arriving back from 33 Red List nations forced to stay in hotels for 10 days at their own expense before being allowed to go home. The action has been … Read more

Alex Salmond ‘will refuse to appear’ at sexual harassment inquiry

There is ‘no chance’ Alex Salmond will give evidence to a inquiry into the Scottish Government’s handling of harassment complaints amid a censorship row, sources claim. The former-First Minister says his allegations against successor Nicola Sturgeon are being censored. He will refuse to provide witness testimony to the inquiry until his explosive dossier of accusations against Ms Sturgeon are … Read more