Racism report: United Nations says UK report is ‘reprehensible’ and ‘normalises white supremacy’

An arm of the United Nations today accused the UK Government’s racial disparities commission of trying to ‘rationalise’ and ‘normalise’ white supremacy in its ‘reprehensible’ report on race relations in Britain by ‘repackaging racist tropes and stereotypes into fact’. A group of human rights experts have claimed that the controversial report presented by the Commission on … Read more

Racism report: United Nations says UK report is ‘reprehensible’ and ‘normalises white supremacy’

Champion of underdogs Dr Tony Sewell CBE, 62 No one is better qualified to speak on education and the black community than Sewell. Born in Brixton in 1959 to Jamaican parents of the Windrush generation, he studied English literature at Essex University before becoming a teacher in some of London’s toughest secondary schools. He was … Read more

NHS covid tests for sale on eBay and other online markets in ‘illegal and reprehensible’ trade

NHS covid tests are advertised for sale on eBay by sellers claiming to be authorised health service suppliers in ‘illegal and reprehensible’ trade The Government says it is illegal to sell lateral flow testing kits for personal gain Online firm eBay has since removed dozens of adverts for kits from its website DHSC urges people … Read more

NHS chief says jumping Covid vaccine queue is ‘morally reprehensible’

Health chiefs said today they are ‘horrified’ at reports of people trying to jump the queue for coronavirus vaccines on the NHS.   Dr Vin Diwakar, NHS London’ medical director, tonight slammed Britons attempting to bypass the priority list, describing them as ‘morally reprehensible’.  It emerged yesterday that an IT loophole in the booking system allowed … Read more